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الخميس، 25 يناير 2018

You Have until February to Make a Libby Asbestos Claim


It is not news that the people of Libby, Montana, have suffered greatly from asbestos exposure. According to one recent study using advanced diagnostic tools, nearly 90 percent of Libby miners suffered negative health consequences directly related to asbestos exposure.

Unfortunately, city residents suffered, as well, through environmental asbestos exposure. Despite knowing that their vermiculite mine was dangerous to workers and the community, W.R. Grace continued to seek profits over the health of workers and residents alike. The true extent of the danger came out in 1999, when hundreds of people diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases such as mesothelioma traced their asbestos exposure back to the mine.

This led to a number of lawsuits, and the subsequent bankruptcy of W.R. Grace. That is not to say there are no options for remaining regarding compensation for people currently suffering from asbestos-related diseases, however.

Deadline to File Claims Upcoming

Because of the bankruptcy protection, which ended in 2015, victims have until February 2018 to file a claim. Under the law, victims have three years from the date of when they were diagnosed to file a lawsuit. The bankruptcy protection extended this deadline.

In order to recover, Libby asbestos victims must file by February, however. If you are exhibiting symptoms of asbestos exposure, it is imperative you speak to a lawyer as soon as possible to protect your rights.

from California Mesothelioma Law Blog

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