1. Luke Skywalker was almost a girl A long time ago (January 1975, to be exact) a fledgling screenwriter named George Lucas was working on the second draft of an epic sci-fi space opera
الثلاثاء، 31 أكتوبر 2017
How to Get Rid of Dandruff: 11 Natural Treatments
What gets rid of dandruff? Dandruff may be the result of a dry scalp, or a skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis. It could also be caused by eczema, psoriasis, or, very commonly, an
This Country Has the Most Powerful Passport in the World (No, It’s Not U.S.)
When you’re leaving for an international trip, a passport is the single most important thing to double check you remembered. After all, it’s your one ticket to get out of the country—and get back
7 Nerdy Quotes for Proud Geeks Everywhere
Be nice to nerds According to Bill Gates, you should probably be nice to nerds and take their nerdy quotes seriously. “Chances are you’ll end up working for one.” (Here’s the one crucial skill
8 Debatable Topics That Will Get Anyone Talking
Housework This is one of the ultimate debatable topics: Having a husband creates an extra seven hours a week of housework for women… a wife saves men from about an hour of housework a
Trick or Treat! You Need to Learn These 20 Corny Halloween Jokes
Q: Why do skeletons have low self-esteem? A: They have no body to love Q: Know why skeletons are so calm? A: Because nothing gets under their skin. (Test out these cheap
12 Movies About Cooking That’ll Get Your Taste Buds Salivating
Julie & Julia Meryl Streep stars as the famous chef and cookbook writer Julia Child in this charming ode to the romance of cooking. Stanley Tucci shines as her devoted husband. Half the film
November: Lung Cancer Awareness Month
While November is often a time to give thanks for the things we are grateful for, it is also a time of the year dedicated to lung cancer awareness. In the United States, lung
27 Things Your Pizza Guy Won’t Tell You
It’s a pizza, not a lifetime commitment My other line is ringing, so choose the toppings before you call. Just make sure it’s not the worst pizza topping of all time. from Reader's Digest
How to Become a Real-Life Ghost Hunter, According to Paranormal Investigators
Learn about paranormal phenomena The saying “knowledge is power” couldn’t ring more true when you’re confronting ghosts, poltergeists, or, on rare occasions, demons. Make sure you educate yourself because pretending you’re Bill Murray from
This Is How to Get on “Wheel of Fortune,” “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” and Other Popular Game Shows
Wheel of Fortune It was 1975 when the first episode of the game show Wheel of Fortune debuted with the name Shopper’s Bazaar. After the pilot aired the name was changed and Chuck Woolery
10 Times Swiping Your Debit Card Puts Your Money at Risk
What’s wrong with debit? Debit might seem great because there’s no chance of spending more than you have or risking steep overdraft fees, but the stakes are also higher when it comes to fraud.
9 Immunizations and Medications You Need to Know About Before You Travel
Staying up-to-date is essential Vaccines save lives—make sure you’re not falling for these 10 common vaccine myths. Brendan Anzalone, MD, the president and chief medical officer of AeroMD Air Ambulance says peace of mind
13 Clever Ways to Use Leftover Halloween Candy
What to do with leftover Halloween candy? Last year, Denver mom of two Audrey Kinsman realized Halloween was becoming a problem for her younger son, 4, who has a serious food allergy and can’t
Here’s What Your Handwriting Says About You
How big or small do you write? You’d be surprised to see what your handwriting says about you. Did you know big, outgoing personalities tend to write in large letters, and shy, introverted types
The Real Reason Why Starbucks Coffee Sizes Aren’t Small, Medium, and Large
Why do we order a tall, grande, or venti coffee instead of the typical small, medium, or large? Let’s be honest: Most Starbucks regulars have secretly wondered this at one point or another. In
The Funny Trick Which Is Statistically Proven to Help Raise Your Salary
Haggling for a raise can be a nerve-wracking experience, particularly in America. The workplace can be pretty cripplingly stressful as is, but now you have to talk about proper compensation? What if you
الاثنين، 30 أكتوبر 2017
Who Exactly Is Geronimo—and Why Do We Say His Name When We Jump Off Stuff?
Few of us have ever been in a situation where we’re jumping out of a plane, unless you decided to cross skydiving off your bucket list or are following the steps to survive
This Is Exactly How Much More You Eat When You’re Sleep Deprived
Are your eyelids drooping as you read this? You might want to watch what you put on your plate. We all know that a lack of sleep can make us older, crankier, and—let’s
Attention, Book Lovers: The World’s Largest Literary Hotel Contains 65,000 Books
Welcome to every bookworm’s dream: An entire hotel dedicated to the love of literature. And you won’t even need to leave the premises to explore thousands of different places and experiences because you can
25 Secrets Your Plumber Won’t Tell You
If you need a recommendation, call a plumbing-supply or fixture store They don’t tolerate bad plumbers, so you know they’ll send you to the best of the best. from Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/2igcAKJ
The Airport Security Line Just Got Slower Thanks to New TSA Security Measures
Airport security lines move slower than molasses in the arctic tundra—and according to Reuters, they’re about to start moving slower than molasses in an arctic tundra with shag carpeting (unless of course, you
This 12-Second Trick Can Help You Calm Down from a Panic Attack
It comes on suddenly, at random or as the result of days of stress. And even though you recognize the symptoms of a panic attack and know you need to calm down, the
الأحد، 29 أكتوبر 2017
السبت، 28 أكتوبر 2017
الجمعة، 27 أكتوبر 2017
Your iPhone’s Calculator Has a Feature You Never Knew About
Way back when, the calculator watch was the bell of the ball. The tame, streamlined design wasn’t overly bulky, and the hardware was sound—and it was still a watch. It might just have been
It Is Possible to Be Scared to Death, According to Science
The Halloween season is a time for fun-sized candy, giving rocks to balding trick or treaters, apple cider donuts, and frights. (Did you know that there’s a scientific explanation for ghosts?) But nothing else
Old Sponges Are Gross—but Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Throw Them Out
Sponges are meant to be cleaning products, but they can’t quite do their job when they’re crawling with bacteria—which yours probably is. We’ve already talked about why kitchen sponges are the germiest place in
37 Conversation Topics That Make You Instantly Interesting
Ask for a helping hand “Helping questions are great conversation topics because when a person helps you it forms natural bonds. When you help another person to figure what an item is on the
8 Surprising Signs of Breast Cancer in Men
Male breast cancer—it’s real While incidences of breast cancer in men are rare, they’re certainly there, which is why guys should know about the symptoms as well. In fact, the American Cancer Society estimates
10 Ways to Spot a Fake Bill—Before You Get Duped
Get a feel for it One of the first things you might notice about a counterfeit bill is that it just feels…off. “They tend to be more glossy or have a more smooth feel,”
12 Surprising Benefits of Black Tea You Haven’t Heard Before
Mend cuts and scrapes Black tea’s tannins act as astringents to stop bleeding from open cuts or scrapes. Gently press a cool, damp tea bag on the affected area to feel soothing relief
Optical Illusion Photos: Stunning Pictures That Aren’t At All What They Seem
Is it a floating city, a maze of computer circuitry … Or simply a bloated apartment complex at an unusual angle? Viewed straight up from a street-level courtyard by photographer Romain Jacquet-Lagreze, this old
13 Potluck Etiquette Rules to Memorize Before Your Next Party
You’re invited! So you’ve decided to have an informal potluck but what method do you use to invite everyone? “If the invitation list isn’t too lengthy, I suggest a phone call first. This always
These Funny Dog Videos Are the Break You Need Right Now
Coffee break? How about a “pawfee” break? We’re not saying we don’t appreciate our coffee breaks. In fact, we wholeheartedly endorse them because coffee is not only super-good for your health, it’s also super-good
Cleanup Begins After California Wildfire Devastation
October has been a harrowing month for the state of California due to the numerous wildfires that affected many nearby towns and residents. Hundreds of thousands of acres burned, including homes, schools, businesses, and
16 Fun Movies That the Whole Family Will Enjoy
Toy Story 3 The first two are great, but a more nuanced story—with a surprisingly dramatic climax!—makes this fun movie adventure the ideal choice for the whole family. (Best for ages 6 and up.)
30 Everyday Mistakes You’re Probably Making That Can Ruin Your Teeth
Chomping on ice There are so many habits dentists wish you’d change when it comes to taking care of your teeth. But one of the biggies? Chewing ice which can chip away at fragile