Normally, blood-brain barrier prevents this from happening from WebMD Health
الثلاثاء، 31 مايو 2016
Kids' Concussion Rates May Be Higher Than Thought
Study finds that most cases are first tended to at doctors' offices, not hospital ERs from WebMD Health
Slice & Dice Pro Knife Giveaway!
You could win a WUSTHOF® CLASSIC 16-Piece Cutlery Set worth $849.95—FREE! Enter Now. from Reader's Digest
Sex-Transmitted Zika More Common Than Thought: WHO
Women planning to become pregnant should wait 8 weeks if they or partner live in areas where infections are occurring from WebMD Health
Scans: Brain Region Misfires in Depressed People
Contrary to previous thinking, the habenula is less active during unpleasant experiences from WebMD Health
Most Smokers Don't Stick With E-Cigarettes
'Vaping' only replaces tobacco use for a small group of people, study finds from WebMD Health
19 Tricks to Growing Perfect Roses
These simple tricks will have your garden exploding with gorgeous blooms. from Reader's Digest
Heart Attack or Heartburn? Lifesaving Ways to Tell the Difference
It’s easy to confuse heartburn and heart attack The term “heartburn” is misleading. It’s not related to your heart at all, but to your esophagus, the tube that connects your stomach to
New Meat Labeling Offers More Protection
Warns consumers that mechanically tenderized beef can raise bacteria risk, so more careful cooking needed from WebMD Health
What Are Carb Blockers and Do They Work?
Carb blockers are a type of diet supplement. However, they work differently than most of the other weight loss pills on the market. They block carbs from being digested, apparently allowing you to eat
Lifestyle May Be Key to Improving ADHD in Kids
Healthier habits related to exercise and diet could help many with the disorder, researcher says from WebMD Health
Surprising Trivia Behind America’s Most Iconic Foods
Separating myth from history: how Buffalo wings, hot dog buns, nachos, and more classic American foods came to be. from Reader's Digest
9 Clever and Useful Bathroom Storage Tips
Make the best use of your limited bathroom space with these brilliant storage and organizing tips. from Reader's Digest
Beat the Heat! Tricks to Stay Cool in the Summer
These clever, low-cost tricks will help you keep your cool when the weather's hot. from Reader's Digest
10 Sickening Secrets of Processed Food Revealed
Have you eaten your fill of rubber today? How about cow bones? from Reader's Digest
الاثنين، 30 مايو 2016
13 Easy Ways to Lose Water Weight (Fast and Safely)
The human body contains around 60% water, which plays a key role in all aspects of life (1). However, excess water retention (edema) is a common side effect of chronic inflammation (2). Also known
الأحد، 29 مايو 2016
12 Proven Health Benefits of Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha is an incredibly healthy medicinal herb. It is classified as an “adaptogen,” meaning that it can help your body manage stress. Aswhagandha also provides all sorts of other benefits for your body and
السبت، 28 مايو 2016
11 Natural Ways to Reduce Symptoms of Menopause
Menopause begins in the late 40s or early 50s for most women. It usually lasts for a few years. During this time, at least two-thirds of women experience symptoms of menopause (1). These include
الجمعة، 27 مايو 2016
Experts Question Study Linking Cellphones, Cancer
Rodents exposed to phone radiation actually lived longer than unexposed animals, reviewers point out from WebMD Health
Smoking During Pregnancy and Schizophrenia Risk
Scientists measured evidence of exposure in the womb and found an association, but not proof from WebMD Health
It’s Mosquito Season: The 411 on Repellents
Mosquito repellents are safe, so you should use them. And there are more choices than ever. WebMD breaks down your options. from WebMD Health
Exploring Zika's Path Through the Placenta
Researchers find the virus can replicate in immune cells from WebMD Health
Officials: U.S. Superbug Resists All Antibiotics
Pennsylvania case suggests it's almost 'the end of the road' for these drugs from WebMD Health
10 Secrets of People Who Have Impeccable Homes (P.S. They’re Not Rich)
How they stop their dining-room table from becoming a catchall and the exact color upholstery they buy that hides their messes best. from Reader's Digest
13 Ways to Get Organized With ADHD
Disorganization is a hallmark of ADHD—but a few simple tricks can help you calm your mind, clear the clutter, and organize your life. from Reader's Digest
Fewer Inhaled Steroids OK for Asthmatic Kids?
Study suggests some kids don't need daily dosing, but one expert worries the strategy might have risks from WebMD Health
12 Food Hacks to Get Dinner on the Table Fast
These genius food prep tricks are your ticket to quick weeknight meals. from Reader's Digest
How to Eat Coconut Oil, and How Much Per Day?
Coconut oil has some very impressive health benefits. It’s been shown to increase metabolism, reduce hunger and boost HDL (the “good”) cholesterol, to name a few. However, many people are confused about how much
8 Epic Alexander Hamilton Facts They Don’t Mention in the Musical
The eerie secret behind the Burr-Hamilton duel, why Alex had trouble with birthers, and more fascinating facts that the musical left out. from Reader's Digest
23 Tricks to Flatten Your Belly—Without a Lick of Exercise
The waistline is the top body part that both men and women say they are most self-conscious about. Here are simple ways to lose belly fat and get a flat stomach for good! from
FDA Approves Implant to Battle Opioid Addiction
Experts say steady dosing eliminates need to take medication daily to combat heroin, powerful painkillers from WebMD Health
9 Clear Signs You’re in a Toxic Friendship
Breaking up isn’t just for lovers. If you've got toxic friends, parting ways could be the healthiest thing for you. Here are some red flags to watch out for. from Reader's Digest
12 Tiny Ways to Make Your Spouse Feel Loved
Here are little ways happy couples constantly make each other feel appreciated. from Reader's Digest
الخميس، 26 مايو 2016
Healthy Living May Offset Breast Cancer Gene Risk
Behavior may matter even more when your DNA is working against you, research shows from WebMD Health
How Often Should Your Pet See a Veterinarian?
Your four-legged friend needs wellness visits, too. Here's what to expect at each stage of life. from WebMD Health
The First 10 Ways a Professional Stager Would Pretty Up Your Home
Whether you're looking to sell or just want that "wow" factor, these home staging tips will improve every room. from Reader's Digest
Hepatitis C Patients More Likely to Drink: Study
And researchers say alcohol can worsen the chronic liver condition from WebMD Health
What Doctors Aren't Telling Obese Young Adults
Too few warn patients of their risk for kidney disease, study says from WebMD Health
10 Signs You’re Headed For a Dental Emergency
When it comes to oral health, don't ignore these seemingly "small" problems as they can quickly turn into big, painful, expensive ones! from Reader's Digest
California Supreme Court delivers important asbestos ruling
The California Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of the plaintiff in an asbestos-related lawsuit. In today's post, we'll discuss The Court's opinion and how it could affect future products liability cases (not just
Some Experts Question Extent of U.S. Zika Threat
They say Gulf Coast states face risk, but most other states probably don't from WebMD Health
1.2 Million College Students Drink on Average Day
And over 700,000 use marijuana, government report says from WebMD Health
51 Favorite Facts You’ve Always Believed That Are Actually False
from Reader's Digest
New Puppy Checklist: 14 Things You Need to Buy for Your New Dog
These new dog supplies will help make sure your dog stays healthy and happy as she eases into her new home. from Reader's Digest
What is Acesulfame Potassium, and is it Good or Bad For You?
People who are trying to lose weight often replace sugar with artificial sweeteners. One of the most common of those today is called acesulfame potassium. Like most sweeteners, it is controversial. Some people think
9 Clear Signs You Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Here's the deal with your upset tummy. from Reader's Digest
30 Things Heart Doctors Do to Protect Their Own Hearts
Heart disease is the biggest killer in the United States, more than all cancers combined. Here, the heart health habits cardiologists follow to prevent heart problems for life. from Reader's Digest
Frugal Tricks to Squeeze Every Last Drop Out of Tricky Containers
Get the most out of your toothpaste tube, ketchup bottle, mascara, and more. from Reader's Digest
الأربعاء، 25 مايو 2016
A Moving Account of How One Mother Helped Her Adopted Son Accept His ‘Missing Piece’
I have always wanted to adopt, even when I was a child with a penchant for writing poetry instead of going out for recess. She looked to the stars / And wondered /
Migraine or Sinus Headache: What's the Difference?
WebMD talks to headache experts about the difference between migraines and sinus headaches. from WebMD Health
Common Abnormal Heart Rhythm Linked to Cancer Risk
But study only found an association and doesn't prove that atrial fibrillation causes cancer from WebMD Health
Medicare Drug-Pricing Experiment Stirs Opposition
A proposal to change the way Medicare pays for some drugs has set off intense reaction and lobbying — all tied to a common theme: How far should the government go in setting
High-Salt Diets May Up Kidney Patients' Heart Risk
Study found higher odds for heart attack, stroke in people who consumed more sodium daily from WebMD Health
6 Common Dog Training Myths That Could Hurt Your Puppy
Myth: Dogs are domesticated wolves, so you need to establish yourself as pack leader Truth: Dogs are not wolves, but unique animals predisposed to learn very advanced concepts from human beings. We likely
Pot While Pregnant May Raise Premature Birth Risk
Experts' advice to expectant mothers on marijuana use is same as for alcohol and tobacco: Don't do it from WebMD Health
Most Americans Wouldn't Join a Clinical Trial
Only 40 percent had favorable view of these studies, but number rose when they received more info from WebMD Health
After Heart Attack, New Threat: Heart Failure
1 in 4 survivors develops this serious condition within 4 years, study finds from WebMD Health
Adult Smoking Rate Sees Largest Drop in 2 Decades
Adult Smoking Rate Sees Largest Drop in 2 Decades from WebMD Health
How Protein Shakes Help You Lose Weight and Belly Fat
Protein is an important nutrient for weight loss. Getting enough can boost your metabolism, reduce your appetite and help you lose body fat without losing muscle. Protein shakes are an easy way to add
How to Survive a Plane Crash, According to Science
The odds of being killed on a single airline flight are one in 4.7 million. While crash fatalities are at an all-time low, safe travelers are prepared for the worst. Remember these life-saving habits
How Protein Shakes Help You Lose Weight and Belly Fat
Protein is an important nutrient for weight loss. Getting enough can boost your metabolism, reduce your appetite and help you lose body fat without losing muscle. Protein shakes are an easy way to add
The Most Important Factor in Choosing a Dog (Hint: It’s Not Breed)
Figuring out a dog’s energy level is the easiest way to categorize whether or not a dog is right for you. Of course, there are other factors you might think about such as
The Big Difference Between Weather and Climate (And 10 Other Nature Words Everyone Gets Wrong)
Weather vs. climate. Lake vs. pond. Swamp vs. marsh. With these simple tricks, you'll always know the difference between these nature words. from Reader's Digest
Weight-Loss Surgery Helps Treat Type 2 Diabetes
45 professional groups say the procedure improves blood sugar control from WebMD Health
Late Dinners Won't Doom Kids to Obesity
Study found eating after 8 p.m. was not linked to increased risk for weight gain from WebMD Health
New Vision Issues Spotted in Zika-Infected Babies
Finding adds to growing understanding of damage virus causes in these infants, researchers say from WebMD Health
7 Simple Ways to Care for Your Summer Wardrobe
Exactly how to stop your sunglasses from stretching, fold your favorite airy sweater, and keep your whites as white as possible. from Reader's Digest
18 Best Summertime Lemonade Recipes
Have the best lemonade stand on the block with refreshing recipes for this summer classic, including pink lemonade, fruit-flavored lemonades and lemonade recipes with real lemons. from Reader's Digest
9 Items You Should Never Keep On Your Desk at Work
This is why you should get rid of your mountain of sticky notes, excessive number of pencils, and much, much more. from Reader's Digest
Make Laundry Day More Bearable: 10 Hacks You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner
Considering that 100 years ago, doing the laundry involved some serious arm muscles, I feel pretty lucky to be able to toss clothes into a machine and have them come out clean. That
9 Unexpected Reasons You’re Gassy
Cough syrup and poorly fitting dentures? Yep. from Reader's Digest
الثلاثاء، 24 مايو 2016
Colon Cancer Rising in People Under 50
Incidence up more than 10 percent in 10 years among Americans, study finds from WebMD Health
Weight-Loss Surgery Helps Treat Type 2 Diabetes
45 professional groups say the procedure improves blood sugar control from WebMD Health
Balloon-in-a-Pill May Be New Weight-Loss Tool
Those using the device were nearly 7 percent lighter after six months from WebMD Health
Antidepressants Not Just for Depression Any More
Other uses include insomnia, pain and anxiety, researchers say from WebMD Health
Inexpensive Tricks to Erase the Wear and Tear on Your Home
Stop stressing over scratched furniture and squeaky stairs. These quick home improvements are cheap and effective. from Reader's Digest
How to Opt Out of Basically Everything (from Funerals to Group Texts to Junk Mail)
From online advertising to going to your uncle’s funeral, you can get out of anything. Here’s how. from Reader's Digest
Hormone May Be Linked to Teenage Obesity
Researchers suspect low levels of spexin might play contributing role from WebMD Health
Time to Drop 'No-Eating Rule' Before Colonoscopy?
Consuming limited amount of low-fiber food day before didn't disrupt procedure, study finds from WebMD Health