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الثلاثاء، 18 يوليو 2017

6 True Water Rescue Stories That Will Make You Rethink How You Swim

“I just did what any dad would do”

portraitWhile on vacation with his family in South Haven South Beach on Lake Michigan, Ryan Galyen was watching his own children play in the water when a woman alerted him that two children in the deeper water appeared to be in danger. “I swam in high school and was a lifeguard, but it had been 18-plus years since I’d had any formal training,” Galyen notes. He immediately sent his own children over to their mom and swam to the struggling kids. A 13-year-old girl was doing her best to rescue her 10-year-old brother, but it was too much for her. “I took action out of instinct, because I hope that others would do the same for my children if they were ever in distress in the water,” Galyen says. “I was just doing what any dad would do.” Here are 42 things lifeguards desperately want you to know.

from Reader's Digest

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