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الجمعة، 2 يونيو 2017

19 Tweets Only True Disney Fans Will Appreciate

1. The perfect party playlist

2. Things that keep you up at night

3. The true relationship test

Check out these inspirational quotes from Walt Disney.

4. #AdultProblems

5. Eeyore would say so much more than words ever could

6. Mantra to get through the day

7. Truly internalizing those messages

8. Dare you to find a better road trip song

Don’t miss the crazy story behind how Frozen was almost a massive flop.

9. Supermodels have nothing on Pocahontas

10. Who needs pain meds?

11. We feel a Pinterest board coming on

12. Friends who Brave together stay together

13. Psh, you only know the chorus to Disney songs?

14. Disney’s unsung hero

15. Can’t stay sad singing “I’ll Make a Man Out of You”

Give those tracks a closer listen—you’ll never believe the impressive vocabulary you can learn from Disney songs.

16. No going back

17. Case in point: “A Whole New World”

18. High expectations

19. It’s not obsession, it’s ~passion~

Did your favorite make the list of the best movie musicals ever?

from Reader's Digest

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