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الثلاثاء، 31 يناير 2017

You Need These 7 Items to Get Your Baby Through a Bad Cold

NoseFrida, the snotsucker

snotsuckerWhen dealing with colds in babies, there are some pretty unconventional methods out there. This one might raise your eyebrows, but it works. The NoseFrida is a device that, unlike a bulb syringe aspirator, puts the power of the suction in the parents’ mouth (yes, you read that correctly). The NoseFrida made in Sweden, is designed so that one end of the device goes into the parent’s mouth, while a “mucus collector” is placed inside the edge of your baby’s nostril. Mom or dad then sucks the tube like a straw, and baby’s congestion is relieved, at least for a little while. (Watch this demo.) Rest assured, there is no exchange of bodily fluid between baby’s nose and the parent’s mouth—a divider that blocks the transmission of fluid is placed inside the tubing.

from Reader's Digest

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