الخميس، 31 مايو 2018
Johnson & Johnson Receives another Multi-million Dollar Verdict in Asbestos Case
Johnson & Johnson (J & J) was handed a $25.75 million verdict for failure to warn customers about health risks associated with its baby powder products that have been found to contain asbestos.
الأربعاء، 30 مايو 2018
الثلاثاء، 29 مايو 2018
The Broader Impact of Asbestos Exposure
Any exposure to asbestos enhances the risk of succumbing to mesothelioma or other asbestos-related illnesses. There is no such thing as a safe exposure level. While no one disputes the physical danger associated
الاثنين، 28 مايو 2018
الأحد، 27 مايو 2018
السبت، 26 مايو 2018
الجمعة، 25 مايو 2018
الخميس، 24 مايو 2018
13 Fascinating Facts You Never Knew About Our Oceans
The reason it’s blue? The sun The “deep blue sea”—and our “blue planet” with it!—owe their iconic color to the light of the sun. When the sun shines on the ocean, the water absorbs
10 Bizarre Human Body Features You Didn’t Know Existed
Immunity to sleep deprivation No, they’re not vampires, but people with a mutation of the DEC2 gene can fall short on sleep yet feel fine. For the 1 percent of the population with this
14 Hilarious Cartoon Puns That Somehow Never Get Old
Risky business At least the returns are free. The post 14 Hilarious Cartoon Puns That Somehow Never Get Old appeared first on Reader's Digest. from Reader's Digest https://ift.tt/2IMtQ6u
9 of the Most Stunningly Beautiful Underwater Photos Ever Taken
“Green Turtles in the rays” by Greg Lecoeur (France) As green turtles started circling Lecoeur in Tenerife, the largest of the Canary Islands in Spain, the photographer captured this gorgeous underwater action shot with
This Is the Difference Between Dementia and Alzheimer’s
Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s First thing to know: How to tell the difference between dementia vs. Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia is an umbrella term for symptoms like impaired memory and thinking that interferes with daily living;
Arizona Court Rules Families not Covered for Secondary Asbestos
Arizona Court Rules Families Not Covered For Secondary Asbestos Is there an angry emoji for court decisions? The Arizona Supreme Court has let employers off the hook for second-hand asbestos exposure resulting in
What Your Zodiac Reveals About Your Health
Aries (March 21-April 19) The ram sign is unsurprisingly all about your noggin. If you experience pain up there, you might want to check out these home remedies for headaches. “Aries rules the head
8 Mosquito-Repelling Plants You Need in Your Backyard ASAP
Basil Basil is not just for adding amazing flavor to your favorite dishes. This herb has major gardening benefits, like attracting bees, enhancing the flavor of other plants, and perhaps most important, repelling
6 Missing Person Mysteries That Were Miraculously Solved
Mary Seow Mary Seow was persuaded to sell her home in Singapore and move to mainland China to invest the money, only to realize it was all a scam. She lost everything. Seow tried
7 Life Secrets of People Who Never Seem Frazzled
Calm people go to a happy place in their head The project is due, but something has gone wrong. Your child’s ‘tude has been especially sassy today. Or maybe the grocery store clerk is
الأربعاء، 23 مايو 2018
11 Foods with More Calcium Than a Glass of Milk
How much is in a glass of milk Getting your daily dose of calcium isn’t just important when you’re young. Calcium helps with muscle function, works to regulate your heartbeat and nerve signals, and
14 Craziest Things Garbage Collectors Have Found in the Trash
Ashes of the deceased “One time we found a guy’s ashes in one of the standard plastic tubs funeral homes usually give out. His information was still on the side. Our management contacted his
15 Cringe-Worthy Stories About the Worst Roommates Ever
Llama mama “My freshman year of college I walked into my dorm where my roommate’s stuff was. There had to be about 100 stuffed llamas spread throughout my room. On her bed, desk, floor,
15 Secrets to Staying Healthy on Vacation
Pack your medications in a carry-on bag To avoid losing your important meds to an airline baggage mixup, pack your meds in a carry-on, recommends Johnnie Yates, MD, medical director of travel and tropical
8 of the Most Mysterious Archaeological Treasures on Earth
Stonehenge Located on a flat plain north of Salisbury, England, Stonehenge is a circular formation of massive stones (the largest are 30 feet tall and weigh 25 tons). Scientists believe it was a monument
Westport, IN
We purchased a cafe/retail shop in July 2017, and people have since welcomed us with open arms. They treat us as if they’ve known us all our lives. People wave and speak to one
Can You Guess What This Fireworks Display Is Called?
Peony This “spherical break of colored stars” fireworks display is apparently the most common, so your chances of spotting it in the skies are pretty good. Many fireworks are named after flowers because they
The Best Restaurant Deals for Your Money
Buffalo Wild Wings: Buy one, get one wings Tuesday is the best day to visit Buffalo Wild Wings, but not for the reason you’d expect. The restaurant chain is trading in its hugely popular
A Stitch N Time in Asheville, NC
We help everyone that walks in the door. We keep Asheville looking good. We repair and fix all rips and tears, as well as hem dresses, pants, and sleeves. We embroider names and logos
20 Most Beautiful Main Streets in America
Kent, Connecticut One of the many towns that has been compared to Gilmore Girls‘ Stars Hollow is Kent, Connecticut. It has the same main street appeals, including locally owned stores and town events and
7 Silent Signs You Could Be Eating Too Much Protein
Why we need protein Protein is a critical part of our diet—we need it to feel full, have energy, build and repair muscle, process nutrients, and boost immunity, among other vital roles.”Protein is made
13 Things Lotto Winners Won’t Tell You
Easy come, easy go. Whether they win $500 million or $1 million, about 70 percent of lotto winners lose or spend all our money in five years or less. These are the 13 things
الثلاثاء، 22 مايو 2018
12 East Coast Getaways Locals Want to Keep Secret
Watch Hill, Rhode Island Unless you own a home in Watch Hill, you’ve probably never even heard of this affluent coastal enclave. Here’s what you’re missing: a walkable village with cedar-shingled cottages, waterfront mansions
24 Adorable Tooth Fairy Traditions You’ll Want to Try ASAP
Give them a receipt To make the teeth-for-treats transaction feel even more legit to your little one, make sure the Tooth Fairy leaves them a receipt under their pillow. Some adorable versions created even
The Entire Royal Family Tree, Explained in One Easy Chart
No family tree is cooler than that of the British royal family. Who wouldn’t want to be related to the ever-stylish Queen Elizabeth II? What’s interesting about the royals in particular is that many
8 Ways You Might Be Loading Your Dishwasher Wrong
You fully rinse dishware before loading You might have heard that it’s a no-no to move dirty plates directly from the table to the washer—that caked-on food won’t completely come off during the cycle,
The Secret Sale Hobby Lobby Only Has Twice a Year
Hobby Lobby has everything you could possibly ever want to give your home the design upgrade it desperately needs. You’re guaranteed to find good deals any time you step into the store, but we
13 Once-Popular Kitchen Trends That Are on the Way Out
Tile countertops Tile countertops have made a comeback in recent years as they are less expensive than many other countertop materials, but they are difficult to maintain because they are prone to chips and
The 15 Weirdest Ice Cream Flavors You Can Eat
Flavor: Cold Sweat Where to get it: Sunni Sky’s Homemade Ice Cream, Angier, North Carolina What’s in it: Ice cream base, hot sauces, and pequín, habanero, and Thai chili peppers (store owners ask you
The 12 Absolute Worst Things You Can Do to Your Hair
Washing your hair too often—or not enough Okay, you got the memo: Cleansing your hair more than you need to can strip away the natural oils that keep it healthy, thus making it more
This Is The Real Meaning Behind Common Omens and Urban Legends
Black Cats Long ago, visitors to English homes were expected to greet the family cat with a kiss to bring good luck. And in the 16th century, it was white cats that were a
Safety Advocates Continue to Beat the Drum for U.S. Asbestos Ban
With people in the U.S. dying year after year from asbestos-related diseases, those of us who advocate tirelessly for justice for these victims continue to question why it is still legal in our country.
10 Things You Need to Know About Rosacea—Whether You Have It or Not
It’s caused by inflammation You’ve probably heard of common skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema, but do you also know about rosacea? If not, you’ve got to listen up. “Rosacea is abnormal blood vessel
الاثنين، 21 مايو 2018
This Is What It Was Really Like to See Queen Elizabeth in the 1950s
Editor’s Note: In October 1954, when Queen Elizabeth II was just 28 years old, Reader’s Digest gained an eyewitness account of the world’s most influential royal. We’ve chosen to republish this excerpt from the