الاثنين، 30 أبريل 2018
20 Reasons Maui Is the Best Hawaiian Island
Watch the sunrise above clouds Reaching 10,000 feet into the stratosphere, the dormant Haleakala Volcano is the center of the national park that bears its name and is the ultimate place to watch the
15 Quick Healthy Meals Doctors Make Every Day
Coffee Cake Muffins As a registered dietitian nutritionist, people often ask what I eat for breakfast. My answer: I like to make a big batch of these muffins early in the week so I
15 Ways to Spring Clean Your Diet
Swap pasta for zucchini noodles It’s time to break out that spiralizer that’s been collecting dust in your cabinet. “With the change in season, zucchinis are about to be abundant in gardens, farmers markets,
At Last! A Vitamin That Can Make Your Blood Vessels Younger
Heart disease in all its forms continues to be the top killer of Americans. Following a heart-healthy diet like this one and getting plenty of exercise can help, but health experts continue to
10 Surprising Ways Vitamin B12 Benefits Your Entire Body
Increased energy and vitality One of the most notable vitamin B12 benefits is a boost in energy. So if you’re feeling sluggish and you’re not sure why, a lack of vitamin B12 (cobalamin) may
Whole30 Rules: Here’s Everything You Can—and Can’t—Eat
What is the Whole30 diet? The Whole30 was created by two sports nutritionists, who published the first edition of their best-selling book Whole30: The 30-Day Guide to Total Health and Food Freedom in 2009. The point
Food Labels: How to Decode the 11 Trickiest Terms
Imitation A food that simulates another food but isn’t made of the same stuff is an imitation, right? Not quite. It should be labeled imitation only if it has a lower amount of protein
15 Skin Cancer Myths You Need to Stop Believing Right Now
I tan and never burn—why should I worry? “A big skin cancer myth is that people who tan effortlessly without burning will not get skin cancer. That is absolutely false. We see cancer in
11 Things Auntie Anne’s Employees Want You to Know
It’s nearly impossible to walk past an Auntie Anne’s and not be drawn in by the mouthwatering aroma of freshly baked soft pretzels. This delish company started as a farmers market shop in
20 Secrets Your Butcher Won’t Tell You
Don’t be fooled by supermarket brand names Avoid names like Butcher’s Brand, Rancher’s Reserve, and Blue Ribbon. The label to look for is USDA quality grade. Prime is the best (and most expensive), followed
Exactly How to Lock in a New Habit, According to Science
Tap into the brain’s fantastic plastic power There are lots of tricks that may help healthy habits stick, but the brain has to undergo physical change for this to really take place. “The brain’s
The 10 Best Foodie Cities in the World
Rome It’s easy to see, err taste, why Rome landed at the top of the list. The deliciousness never seems to end. Indulge in wood-fired pizza, al dente pasta, and out-of-this-world gelato. Don’t leave
8 Products in Your Home Linked to Clogged Arteries, Obesity, and Even Breast Growth in Men
In canned goods and plastics, watch for: Bisphenol-A (BPA) Sometimes called an endocrine disruptor because it interferes with the function of healthy hormones, BPA can mimic the effects of estrogen, increasing your risk of
7 Money-Saving Tips That Actually Don’t Pay
Getting suckered into buy-one-get-one (BOGO) deals BOGO, when it’s genuine, is hard to resist. but even then, whether it’s BOGO free or BOGO half price, you have to stop and ask yourself, Would I
15 Wacky Ways You Can Burn Extra Calories—No Gym Time Required!
Kiss Burning calories is not usually our main motivation for kissing someone, but it’s good to know that locking lips has benefits we don’t expect. Kissing can burn two to six calories a minute.
الأحد، 29 أبريل 2018
Can You Tell the Difference Between These Nearly Identical Dog Breeds?
Cairn Terrier vs. Norwich Terrier Can you tell these two little dogs apart? See if you can spot the animals camouflaged in these photos. The post Can You Tell the Difference Between These Nearly Identical
السبت، 28 أبريل 2018
13 Fascinating Facts You Never Knew About the Titanic
A full moon may have caused the fatal iceberg to cross paths with the ship Scientists recently arrived at a new theory that the full moon months before could be to blame for the collision, which killed
Shh! These 10 Famous People Have Little-Known Secret Talents
Who is this? This actress, famous for her perfect track record at the Academy Awards, competed at the Junior Olympics as a swimmer. The post Shh! These 10 Famous People Have Little-Known Secret Talents
الجمعة، 27 أبريل 2018
21 Whole30 Snacks You’ll Actually Want to Eat
Egg and veggie muffins Melissa Hartwig is co-founder and CEO of Whole30.com and a leading voice in the Whole30 movement. Though Hartwig suggests Whole30 followers avoid snacking or grazing as a general rule, she
Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Mow Your Lawn Every Week
We get it—there’s nothing as satisfying as looking out at a freshly mowed lawn on a summer’s day. Mowing your lawn means keeping those weeds and wildflowers tame around your landscape, which probably
The Perfect Diet for Your Personality Type
Assess yourself The number one rule of dieting: No one size fits all. “I tell people to stay in their own lane. We’re trying to compare ourselves to others, but when you find out
13 Facts About Pandas That Will Make You Love Them Even More
Pandas grow from tiny to massive in a few short years Pink, blind, and hairless, panda infants weigh just three to five ounces and have been compared in size to a stick of butter.
You’ve Been Misdiagnosing Your Pet The Whole Time, Vets Say
The dangers of misdiagnosing A sick pet can be a scary thing. Many times, when our beloved furbabies start acting abnormally or displaying unusual symptoms, our first instinct is to run to the internet
17 Hair Myths We All Still Believe that Are Ruining Our Hair
The dirtier your hair is, the faster it will grow Some people assume that dirty hair grows faster—less washing and styling means fewer chances for breakage, right? But don’t go skipping showers in hopes
The 18 Most Iconic Royal Wedding Photos Throughout History
Prince Albert Edward and Princess Alexandra Way back in 1863, this was one of the first royal weddings ever to be photographed. Queen Victoria’s eldest son, Albert Edward the Prince of Wales, married Princess
16 Travel Secrets to Always Get the Best Airfare Possible
Know what a good deal looks like Before you set off to find the best airfare possible, it’s important to understand what that fare looks like. For example, if the average peak-season rate is
14 of the Most Hilarious 911 Calls Ever Placed
My, what thin walls you have! A Canadian woman dialed 911 after hearing yelling and shouting coming from her neighbor’s apartment. When cops arrived, they pounded on the door until the occupant finally opened
17 Things Your Dry Cleaner Won’t Tell You
Don’t get too excited about so-called ‘organic’ cleaning “The cleaning industry has a habit of stretching the ‘green thing,’ and the tags ‘Environmentally Friendly’ and ‘Organic,’ so you have to watch for that,” says
15 Things You Should Never Say at a Sports Bar
Call a timeout! Don’t call a timeout! Spike the ball! Don’t spike the ball! Coaches often have trouble with clock management. Quarterbacks in hurry-up mode often have trouble with clock management. But you know
The Real Reason Trader Joe’s Sells $2 Wine
Trader Joe’s is known for fairly cheap prices, but arguably its most famously priced item is Charles Shaw wine, otherwise known as Two Buck Chuck. As the name suggests, the wine, available in
13 Ways to Feel More Comfortable Asking for What You Want
Find a good time Pick a time that you know your request will be heard. “People tend not to listen if they are angry, stressed, or at the end of a long day,” explains
10 All-Inclusive Cruises for the Best Vacation Ever
Regent Seven Seas Cruises Billing itself as “the most inclusive luxury cruise line,” Regent Seven Seas Cruises has five ships and fares that qualify as all-inclusive cruises, covering roundtrip airfare, pre-cruise overnight hotel stays,
الخميس، 26 أبريل 2018
14 of the Most Baffling Mysteries About the Universe
What came before the Big Bang? If the universe began 15 million years ago with the Big Bang, what preceded it? According to renowned physicist Stephen William Hawking, PhD: Nothing. However, no one can
50 Easy Ways to Lose Weight Naturally
Don’t clear the table Don’t tell your mom, but we’re giving you official permission to make a mess. As you eat, leave the candy wrappers, fruit peels, nut shells, chicken bones, and other scraps
20 Health Care Terms You Need to Know
Coinsurance Percentage of treatment cost the patient is responsible for on an insurance claim. Don’t miss these 10 secrets to lowering your medical bills. The post 20 Health Care Terms You Need to Know
13 Tiny Changes That Will Make Your Home Instantly Happier
Keep clutter minimal The piles of mail! The tower of books in the corner! The tchotchkes crowding every surface! If this sounds like your home, you’re not alone. The first step to being truly happy
10 Things Happy People Never Forget to Do
Happy and healthy While it’s widely believed that stress can cause poor health, researchers at Harvard University are beginning to study whether the opposite might be true: whether happiness and positive thoughts might be
13 Must-See Sights You Can Only See on Route 66
World’s Largest Ketchup Bottle Whether you say “ketchup” or “catsup,” the home of the world’s largest bottle of the stuff is Collinsville, Illinois. Built in 1949, the bottle (actually, a water tower) is located
13 “Healthy” Food Habits You Should Ditch Right Now
Going low on sodium If you’ve ever had high blood pressure, you were probably told to cut down or stop consuming sodium. But a new study from Boston University that followed 2,600 people over
8 Silent Ways E-cigarettes Harm Your Body
What are e-cigarettes? E-cigarettes, also known as vaporizers, are battery-powered devices that heat up a mixture of nicotine, a flavoring, and a liquid—usually propylene glycol or glycerol—into a vapor for users to inhale. Ever