السبت، 30 أبريل 2016
Antibiotics in Your Food: Should You be Concerned?
The demand for food products “raised without antibiotics” is growing fast. In 2012, sales of these products had increased by 25% over the previous three years (1). The overuse of antibiotics in food-producing animals
الجمعة، 29 أبريل 2016
Today's Hair Style Could Cause Hair Loss Tomorrow
Black women who prefer scalp-pulling hairdos seem especially at risk, study indicates from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1SUNmjY
16 Breakfasts Kids Will Love
With hectic mornings, it’s easy to skimp on breakfast. Check out WebMD's tasty, healthy options your kids (and you!) won’t be able to resist. from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1NGzR5b
12 Healthy Snacks Kids Will Love
Have you run out of ideas for kids’ snacks that are both healthy and delicious? Try these creative combos from WebMD. from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/24a4lV0
The Syrian Refugee Crisis, Summarized in One Tender Photo
Among images of Syrian refugees in a makeshift camp inside a Budapest train station, “it was the black-and-white photo that grabbed my heart,” writes Omid Safi, director of the Duke Islamic Studies Center
Generic Crestor Approved by FDA
Generic Crestor Approved by FDA from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1Tanqeg
Zika Was in Haiti Long Before Brazil Outbreak
Scientists aren't sure exactly what triggered widespread infections in the Americas from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1rFqlpC
Smog May Boost Risk for Several Cancers
Study finds even small increases in pollution raised overall odds of dying from disease by 22 percent from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1NGq13m
Avoid Food Poisoning? There's an App for That
USDA product helps consumers track expiration dates from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1O0Fg1U
Make Household Cleaners Last Longer: 11 Thrifty Tricks to Try
Extend the lifespan of everything from kitchen sponges to bars of soap. from Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/1rnU8mn
15 Common Words That Used To Mean Completely Different Things
There was a time when 'Girl' meant 'Boy,' 'Bully' meant 'Sweetheart,' and 'Fizzle' meant 'Fart.' Let's return there together. from Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/23dQ0AX
First Commercial Zika Test Approved by FDA
First Commercial Zika Test Approved by FDA from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1QFjNvd
Kids of Older Moms May Have a Leg Up on Peers
They tend to be taller, better educated, and societal changes over time may be behind trend, study suggests from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1rnHDan
Many Manly Men Avoid Needed Health Care
Gender stereotypes can have dangerous consequences, research suggests from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1QFjNvb
Building Muscle Could Boost the Most Important One
People with heart disease should prioritize weight training over weight loss, study says from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1QFh8Sf
Teen Birth Rate at Record Low in U.S.
They're delaying sex, using more effective birth control, CDC researcher says from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1rnHDaa
This Just Might Be the Happiest Photo Ever Taken
Some call it the happiest photo ever taken. On a fall day in 1950, photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt spotted a drum major practicing his high steps on a playing field. “I saw a little
The 16 Best Foods to Control Diabetes
Figuring out the best foods to eat when you have diabetes can be tough. The main goal is to keep blood sugar levels well-controlled. However, it’s also important to eat foods that help prevent
10 Ways Dermatologists Wake Up With Younger-Looking Skin
These insider secrets of skin doctors fight signs of aging overnight so you can rise and shine with glowing skin. from Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/1T9Z589
9 Surprising First Aid Items Already in Your Car
Caught on the road without a proper first aid kit? These common items will help in a pinch. from Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/1NFFalu
8 Silent Signs You Aren’t Getting Enough Vitamins
Even if you eat healthfully, you may fall short of key vitamins and minerals. Sometimes inadequacies have everything to do with diet—and other times they're more linked to medications or lifestyle habits. See if
7 Horror Films Inspired By True Stories
Norman Bates, Jaws, and Freddy Krueger may be the stuff of nightmares—but they were all real. from Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/1TiN4xJ
الخميس، 28 أبريل 2016
Coffee, Wine May Mean Healthy Gut; Sodas May Not
Study examines how food and medications affect makeup of bacteria in people's tummies from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1NXMIuM
Annual Flowers: What to Know to Help Them Thrive
Follow these tips to achieve a bountiful, colorful garden full of annual flowers. from Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/24naJEP
Mild Air Pollution of Concern in Pregnancy
Study found risk for a leading cause of premature birth began below EPA standards from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1rCEBQ2
Could a Cellular Tweak 'Switch Off' Gray Hair?
Scientists spot a molecular signal controlling skin and hair color from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/23aioUy
Do Screens Give You Headaches? This Town Without Wi-Fi Might Be Your Salvation
You can’t make a call or send a text on your cell phone in Green Bank, West Virginia. Wireless Internet is outlawed, as is Bluetooth. As you approach the tiny town on a
19 Questions You’re Too Embarrassed to Ask Your Gynecologist
Everything you ever wanted to know about sex, body odor, and bladder problems, but were afraid to ask. from Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/1N3mWuc
Yellow Fever Outbreak: Is the U.S. at Risk?
An ongoing yellow fever outbreak in Africa has global health and infectious diseases experts concerned. The virus is mosquito-borne and can be deadly. WebMD has the details. from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1rCsxyc
17 Horse Jokes to Tell When You Watch the Kentucky Derby
These gags will win you a Triple Crown in joke telling. from Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/26xCMUi
Critics Call on FDA to Ban Concentrated Caffeine
Critics Call on FDA to Ban Concentrated Caffeine from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1VURn98
Counterfeit Opioid Poisonings Spread To Bay Area
Vomiting, breathing problems, lethargy, unconsciousness result from pirate pills laced with fentanyl. from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1SSXY2Z
Hearing Aids May Help Keep Seniors' Minds Sharp
Ability to stay engaged in conversation could help ward off dementia, study suggests from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/24mGdev
9 Things You Didn’t Know About the First Mother, Eve
We don’t know a whole lot about Eve. We don’t know exactly how many children she had nor at what age she died, although Adam was 930 years young when he passed away. So
Does Rosacea Boost Risk for Alzheimer's?
Danish study finds a correlation, but patients shouldn't worry unduly, experts say from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1YVCoJi
Gotta Minute? Get a Good Workout
Study found 60 seconds of intense exercise as effective as 45 minutes of moderate exertion from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1WUybag
Are Oats and Oatmeal Gluten-Free? The Surprising Truth
Oats are a highly nutritious grain with many health benefits. However, there is a lot of confusion about whether oats and oatmeal contain gluten. Oats are naturally gluten-free, but often get contaminated with gluten
7 Concussion Symptoms You Should Never Ignore
Anyone with a concussion should be checked by a health care professional if at all possible. If you’re the one with the injury, don’t rely solely on your own assessment for signs you’re getting
7 Surprising Foods That Give You Seriously Bad Breath
Haunted by halitosis? Check your menu for these culprits—then reach for a simple-but-reliable bad breath cure like your toothbrush, sugarless gum, or a refreshing glass of water. from Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/1TfRw0f
10 Signs You Could Be Headed for Cancer
Smoking can cause at least 15 different types of cancer. And nearly 9 out of 10 lung cancers are from puffing away on cigarettes. Burn those two facts into your head if you haven't
الأربعاء، 27 أبريل 2016
Psoriasis Tied to Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes
A genetic link is one theory for the possible association, researchers say from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1WqOfA3
Sleep Doesn't Come Easy After a Brain Injury
And that may affect daytime performance at work or school, research suggests from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1NUH6S3
7 Signs of Ovarian Cancer You Might Be Ignoring
Symptoms of ovarian cancer can be vague, but detecting ovarian cancer early could be key to survival. from Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/1SBx2PQ
Spanking: More Harm Than Good?
It can lead to psychological, learning problems in kids, analysis of 75 studies suggests from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1qUyLs6
The 7 Deadliest Emergency General Surgeries
Gastrointestinal and bowel operations top the list because they're often done without planning or preparation, experts say from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1rA3knP
4.5M Pounds of Pilgrim's Pride Chicken Recalled
4.5M Pounds of Pilgrim's Pride Chicken Recalled from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1rzXumy
Type 2 Diabetes May Damage Hearing, Study Finds
Researchers recommend auditory testing of diabetic patients from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1qUyLs3
Mindfulness May Help Ease Recurrent Depression
Review of 9 studies suggests it helps patients better cope with troubling thoughts and emotions from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1rA3k7z
Yeast Infection Drug May Raise Miscarriage Risk
Agency recommends alternatives to fluconazole for mothers-to-be until its review is complete from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1Wq4P2Z
Statins Might Not Lower Colon Cancer Risk: Study
But cholesterol levels may be associated with reduced chance of disease from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1NTEu6K
Racial, Ethnic Health Disparities Persist: Report
But infant death rates, numbers of uninsured are improving, government analysis reveals from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1rzyXhi
What Are Essential Oils, and Do They Work?
Essential oils are often used in aromatherapy, which is a form of alternative medicine. However, some of the health claims associated with them are controversial. This article explains what you need to know about
Sense of Direction Trouble and Early Alzheimer's
It's hoped virtual testing could predict disease long before symptoms develop from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1VSwMCl
After an Abnormal Pap: 5 Things You Should Do Next
An abnormal Pap test result doesn’t have to be scary when you know the right steps to take. from Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/26uhhUj
Racial, Ethnic Health Disparities Persist: Report
But infant death rates, numbers of uninsured are improving, government analysis reveals from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/26ugSRR
Yeast Infection Drug May Raise Miscarriage Risk
Agency recommends alternatives to fluconazole for mothers-to-be until its review is complete from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1TwI8YC
These Supplements May Boost Antidepressant Effects
Data from 8 randomized clinical trials suggests a benefit, but consult with your doctor first, experts say from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1Ss8Oeb
Quiz: Which of These Dumb Criminals Is Telling the Truth?
A former art lecturer at MIT was sentenced to a year in jail for robbing a bank. Although he admitted to committing the crime, he insisted he should not serve time. His excuse:
Imagine Being a Cancer Survivor—Then Getting a Second Type of Cancer All Over Again
Just two weeks after completing the New York City marathon, Nebraska teacher and track coach Andrea Kabourek, 32, learned she had breast cancer. Irreverent, tough, and optimistic, she sailed through her double mastectomy
7 Signs You Might Be Lactose Intolerant
A stomachache after a glass of milk is probably nothing, but if you feel sick every time you eat dairy, you might be facing a bigger problem. from Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/1pEQvXr
17 Light Bulb Jokes That Make You Sound Smart
A smart light bulb joke: Is there such an animal? Indeed, there is! This breed of gag is known by its world-weary insouciance, obscure literary references, snarky jabs at intellectuals, and the need for
الثلاثاء، 26 أبريل 2016
Americans Getting Adequate Water Daily, CDC Finds
Men take in an average of 14 cups a day, women almost 12 from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1pCKY3H
Gold Emblem Tea Recalled by CVS
Gold Emblem Tea Recalled by CVS from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1VAH1dT
Gold Emblem Tea Recalled by CVS
Gold Emblem Tea Recalled by CVS from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1VQEAo8
Night Shift Work May Be Tough on a Woman's Heart
But study found the effect waned after nurses stopped working odd hours from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1qQEP52
The Worst Advice Allergy Docs Have Ever Heard
Nearly half of Americans have some type of allergy—how many of these allergy myths have you fallen for? from Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/1VApMJQ
Day Care Kids: Stomach Bugs Earlier, Fewer Later
Protective effect seen from preschool to age 6, study says from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/1SN6qk7
These Incredibly Stupid Ideas Are Somehow Changing the World for the Better
A City Pays People Not To Kill One Another Our reaction: I’m sorry, did you say you’re paying people not to kill one another? I thought so. Are you nuts?! What sort of