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السبت، 31 ديسمبر 2016

Are these the six hottest pro bikes of 2016?

Are these the six hottest pro bikes of 2016?

Are these the five most innovative cycling products of 2016?

Are these the five most innovative cycling products of 2016?

Shortening: Good or Bad?

Shortening: Good or Bad?

Shortening is a type of fat used in cooking and baking. It is typically made from hydrogenated vegetable oil and has a long history of use in American kitchens that dates back to the

الجمعة، 30 ديسمبر 2016

Laura and Jason Kenny awarded CBEs in New Year’s Honours list

Laura and Jason Kenny awarded CBEs in New Year’s Honours list

Staying Trim, Strong May Cut Incontinence Risk

Staying Trim, Strong May Cut Incontinence Risk

But for women in study, these factors only helped with one type of incontinence from WebMD Health
Oldest living Tour de France winner Ferdinand Kübler, dies aged 97

Oldest living Tour de France winner Ferdinand Kübler, dies aged 97

Six things no-one tells you when you start cycling

Six things no-one tells you when you start cycling

Weight Loss Tips You Haven’t Heard Before

Weight Loss Tips You Haven’t Heard Before

Follow these 11 doable strategies, all backed by research, to reach your goals. from WebMD Health
Pot May Restrict Blood Flow to Brain: Study

Pot May Restrict Blood Flow to Brain: Study

It's too early to say if this contributes to mental decline, Alzheimer's expert says from WebMD Health
Could Anemia Cause Hearing Loss?

Could Anemia Cause Hearing Loss?

Iron deficiency might keep ear cells from getting oxygen they need, study suggests from WebMD Health
Weight Loss Surgery Linked To Gastro Issues

Weight Loss Surgery Linked To Gastro Issues

Stomach problems, food intolerance plagued many patients even 2 years after procedure, study found from WebMD Health
‘The more we discover about the package, the more questions seem to be thrown up’

‘The more we discover about the package, the more questions seem to be thrown up’

Are Eggs Considered to Be a Dairy Product?

Are Eggs Considered to Be a Dairy Product?

For some reason, eggs and dairy are often grouped together. Therefore, many people speculate about whether they’re a dairy product. For those who are lactose intolerant or allergic to milk proteins, it’s an important
Your first ride: Essential kit for beginners

Your first ride: Essential kit for beginners

Do You Really Need to Cool Down After Exercising?

Do You Really Need to Cool Down After Exercising?

One of the most important steps in your fitness routine comes at the conclusion. Many know the importance of properly warming up and preparing to exercise, but experts say that incorporating a cool
10 Little Compliments You Should Be Giving Every Day

10 Little Compliments You Should Be Giving Every Day

Say: “It’s so good to see you” Start any interaction on a good note by simply sharing your excitement about seeing someone. Right off the bat, the other person will know that you aren’t
8 Fun Sensory Activities to Engage All of Your Child’s Senses

8 Fun Sensory Activities to Engage All of Your Child’s Senses

Any play that engages your child's sense is sensory play. Both children and adults learn better when they can explore a new concept or activity with... from Reader's Digest
Icons of cycling: Jan Ullrich’s Bianchi Walser time trial bike

Icons of cycling: Jan Ullrich’s Bianchi Walser time trial bike

الخميس، 29 ديسمبر 2016

Mesothelioma Study: Direct Chemo-Drug Delivery During Surgery

Mesothelioma Study: Direct Chemo-Drug Delivery During Surgery

In the interest of many of our clients who suffer from the asbestos-related cancer mesothelioma, we sometimes post about new medical research that has potential for helping to treat the devastating cancer. Baylor has
Melanoma Rates Rise in South, Midwest

Melanoma Rates Rise in South, Midwest

Local sun-safety campaigns may be key to progress against the deadly skin cancer, researchers say from WebMD Health
An Energizing 10-Minute Morning Yoga Routine

An Energizing 10-Minute Morning Yoga Routine

Stretch your body, center your mind, and boost your energy with this beginner-friendly flow. from WebMD Health
Fish Oil For Moms May Cut Kids' Asthma Risk

Fish Oil For Moms May Cut Kids' Asthma Risk

High doses linked to 30 percent drop in children's odds of developing the airway disease, study finds from WebMD Health
Men Don't Know About Risks to Fertility: Survey

Men Don't Know About Risks to Fertility: Survey

It's not commonly known that factors such as obesity, laptop use on lap can affect sperm counts from WebMD Health
A 10-Minute Workout to Strengthen Your Whole Body

A 10-Minute Workout to Strengthen Your Whole Body

Start your day with this quick body weight routine from WebMD's chief medical editor Michael Smith, MD. from WebMD Health
Bradley Wiggins: A career in pictures

Bradley Wiggins: A career in pictures

Which Habits Really Help You Avoid Colds and Flu?

Which Habits Really Help You Avoid Colds and Flu?

While some precautions can help you stay healthy, others are a waste of time. from WebMD Health
How to Get a Fast Metabolism

How to Get a Fast Metabolism

Your metabolism is the chemical engine that keeps you alive. The speed at which it runs varies by individual. Those with a slow metabolism tend to have more leftover fuel (calories), which gets stored
Disabled Children Face Bullying Throughout School

Disabled Children Face Bullying Throughout School

More must be done to teach them how to respond to aggression, researcher says from WebMD Health
Dr Hutch’s guide to… helping a stranded cyclist

Dr Hutch’s guide to… helping a stranded cyclist

9 amazing value bike lights that you’ll need for the dark nights

9 amazing value bike lights that you’ll need for the dark nights

This One-Minute Trick That Will Instantly Improve Your Handwriting

This One-Minute Trick That Will Instantly Improve Your Handwriting

Handwriting—much less neat handwriting—is quickly becoming obsolete in this digital age of communication. Now, it’s all about the text message. According to a 2013 study, American smartphone owners send an average of 4,735 texts
Improve Your Toddler’s Fine Motor Skills with These 7 Fun Activities

Improve Your Toddler’s Fine Motor Skills with These 7 Fun Activities

Some examples of fine motor skills in toddlers include grasping and pinching objects with their fingers. Parents can help their children to improve hand... from Reader's Digest
11 Telltale Signs You’re Being Passive Aggressive—Without Even Realizing It

11 Telltale Signs You’re Being Passive Aggressive—Without Even Realizing It

Dr. Hall-Flavin states in this article a passive-aggressive person might appear to agree perhaps even enthusiastically with another person's request,... from Reader's Digest

الأربعاء، 28 ديسمبر 2016

17 Tiny Weight-Loss Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

17 Tiny Weight-Loss Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

Take a real lunch break, even if it’s short Eating at your desk or in front of the TV is distracting, and because your brain doesn’t fully realize what you’re eating, you could end
Food Aversions During Pregnancy

Food Aversions During Pregnancy

A lot of women have pregnancy cravings, but there’s also a flip side: food aversions. from WebMD Health
Texas City Announces High Levels of Asbestos in Drinking Water

Texas City Announces High Levels of Asbestos in Drinking Water

On November 28, the city of Devine, Texas, outside of San Antonio, announced that the asbestos levels in the city's drinking water exceeded federal limits. State officials had notified Devine that the asbestos levels
Sir Bradley Wiggins’s greatest road hits

Sir Bradley Wiggins’s greatest road hits

Diabetes Takes Biggest Bite Out of U.S. Health Care Spending

Diabetes Takes Biggest Bite Out of U.S. Health Care Spending

Top 5 diseases, conditions accounted for $437 billion in 2013 from WebMD Health
Why Acne Can Strike Women After the Teen Years

Why Acne Can Strike Women After the Teen Years

Study suggests diet, stress and family history may play a role from WebMD Health
Bradley Wiggins quotes: our pick of the best

Bradley Wiggins quotes: our pick of the best

Sir Bradley Wiggins confirms retirement from professional cycling

Sir Bradley Wiggins confirms retirement from professional cycling

Borrowed time: Why lack of local support was the Tour of Qatar’s real undoing

Borrowed time: Why lack of local support was the Tour of Qatar’s real undoing

How Garcinia Cambogia Can Help You Lose Weight and Belly Fat

How Garcinia Cambogia Can Help You Lose Weight and Belly Fat

Garcinia cambogia is a popular weight loss supplement. It is derived from a fruit of the same name, also called Garcinia gummi-gutta or Malabar tamarind. The peel of the fruit contains high amounts of
‘There’s a chance that Nairo Quintana will ride the Giro and Tour’ says Movistar boss

‘There’s a chance that Nairo Quintana will ride the Giro and Tour’ says Movistar boss

Tour of Qatar cancelled due to lack of funding, UCI confirms

Tour of Qatar cancelled due to lack of funding, UCI confirms

Why Do You Believe in Superstititons? Here’s What the Science Says

Why Do You Believe in Superstititons? Here’s What the Science Says

By their very definition, according to Merriam-Webster, superstitions are nonsensical: “A belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation.” In other
10 Reasons Unexpected Weight Loss Could Be a Serious Problem

10 Reasons Unexpected Weight Loss Could Be a Serious Problem

When most people hear the word "malnutrition," they tend to think of starving children in developing countries. However, malnutrition, or undernutrition, exists in every part of the world and can... from Reader's Digest
8 Signs You’re Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children

8 Signs You’re Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children

"Kids are impulsive by nature and when unchecked they can become impulsive adults," shared certified emotional intelligence coach Aleasa Word.... from Reader's Digest
Why are Northern Ireland’s cyclists so fast?

Why are Northern Ireland’s cyclists so fast?

Cycling Weekly 2016 Reader Poll results

Cycling Weekly 2016 Reader Poll results

الثلاثاء، 27 ديسمبر 2016

Health Care Spending for U.S. Kids Jumped 56 Percent in Less Than 20 Years

Health Care Spending for U.S. Kids Jumped 56 Percent in Less Than 20 Years

Preventive services in childhood create healthier adults, researcher says from WebMD Health
Does Legalizing Pot Spur Kids to Try It?

Does Legalizing Pot Spur Kids to Try It?

In 2 states studied, teens downplayed harms after recreational pot legalized; use increased in 1 state from WebMD Health
Sexual Relationships When You're HIV-Positive

Sexual Relationships When You're HIV-Positive

HIV doesn't have to come between you. Get tips for good sex and a healthy relationship with your partner when one (or both) of you is HIV-positive. from WebMD Health
Living Longer and Aging With HIV

Living Longer and Aging With HIV

Although HIV makes it more complicated, you can live well into middle age and beyond. Find out how HIV will affect you as you get older and how to plan ahead. from WebMD
Six humblebrags made by all cyclists

Six humblebrags made by all cyclists

Wiser, But Fatter, by Graduation

Wiser, But Fatter, by Graduation

Study finds 10-pound weight gain is about average for college students from WebMD Health
Heart Failure Drug Shows Promise in First Human Trial

Heart Failure Drug Shows Promise in First Human Trial

Cimaglermin appears to strengthen cells and improve heart function, researchers report from WebMD Health
'Emotional Hangover' Is Real and Affects Future Experiences: Study

'Emotional Hangover' Is Real and Affects Future Experiences: Study

Emotion-provoking events prime the brain to remember things more effectively, researchers find from WebMD Health
The BRAT Diet: Is It a Good Idea?

The BRAT Diet: Is It a Good Idea?

The BRAT diet is a bland, easily digestible diet. For decades, it has been prescribed for adults and children with gastroenteritis, an infection of the intestines commonly known as the stomach flu. However, the
This Is the Secret to Making Amazing DIY Microwave Popcorn

This Is the Secret to Making Amazing DIY Microwave Popcorn

Most of us have enjoyed the buttery goodness of microwave popcorn by simply unfolding a bag and pressing the “popcorn” button. Unfortunately, that buttery goodness can be a chemcialized butter flavor with additives
9 Little Body Changes That Could Signal a Much Bigger Health Problem

9 Little Body Changes That Could Signal a Much Bigger Health Problem

According to Bradley Bloom, M.D., dermatologist at Skin Laser and Surgery Specialists, watch out for the pimple that won't heal. "Many patients come... from Reader's Digest
Every Book Lover Will Love These Sweet Stories About Local Bookstores

Every Book Lover Will Love These Sweet Stories About Local Bookstores

The Golden Notebook: Woodstock, New York “Once, a customer came in looking for a book for his daughter. Our children’s buyer, Gaela Pearson, was busy trying to put together a cardboard book display. She

الاثنين، 26 ديسمبر 2016

Pumpkin Nutrition Review — What Is It Good For?

Pumpkin Nutrition Review — What Is It Good For?

Pumpkin is a favorite autumn ingredient. But is it healthy? As it turns out, pumpkin is very nutritious and low in calories. Plus, it’s more versatile than you may know. It can be cooked
Dr Hutch: Why you should never ask a cyclist for the quickest route to anywhere

Dr Hutch: Why you should never ask a cyclist for the quickest route to anywhere

20 unforgettable racing moments from 2016

20 unforgettable racing moments from 2016

7 Silent Signs Your Child Might Have Lazy Eye

7 Silent Signs Your Child Might Have Lazy Eye

Epley says if you notice your child repeatedly turning his or her head when watching television, it could be one of the symptoms of lazy eye. Those with... from Reader's Digest
Are You a People Pleaser? Then You Need These 12 Tips to Set Healthy Boundaries

Are You a People Pleaser? Then You Need These 12 Tips to Set Healthy Boundaries

Our drive to please others comes from biology—our ancestors depended on others for survival. Even today, we still seek social acceptance and connection,... from Reader's Digest
Cycling Pictures of the Year 2016

Cycling Pictures of the Year 2016

Half price Cycling Weekly subscriptions for one week only

Half price Cycling Weekly subscriptions for one week only

How to Chill a Bottle of White Wine ASAP

How to Chill a Bottle of White Wine ASAP

Need a cold glass of Riesling ASAP? Wine expert Mark Oldman, author of How to Drink Like a Billionaire: Mastering Wine With Joie de Vivre, says the first thing to do is fill

الأحد، 25 ديسمبر 2016

How Many Calories and Carbs Are in a Banana?

How Many Calories and Carbs Are in a Banana?

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They are extremely healthy and contain several important nutrients. People generally know that bananas are very nutritious, but many wonder how many calories

السبت، 24 ديسمبر 2016

Peter Sagan reveals the stunning silver Specialized Venge that he will ride in 2017

Peter Sagan reveals the stunning silver Specialized Venge that he will ride in 2017

Is Avocado a Fruit or a Vegetable?

Is Avocado a Fruit or a Vegetable?

Avocado is a fruit. More specifically, it’s a large berry with a single seed. Although it’s not nearly as sweet as many other fruits, it falls under the definition of fruit, which is “the
A day in the life of a cycling cafe

A day in the life of a cycling cafe

الجمعة، 23 ديسمبر 2016

Is It Gross to Never Wash Your Coffee Mug?

Is It Gross to Never Wash Your Coffee Mug?

Getting out the door in the morning to start your daily grind can be a bit difficult minus caffeine. So you grab that coffee mug that’s been in the sink since yesterday …
Eww! How to Stop Your Child from Picking Their Nose

Eww! How to Stop Your Child from Picking Their Nose

From thumb-sucking to finger nail biting, children are likely to engage in new behaviors and habits as they grow older. Counted among those possible habits is one that could be significantly more embarrassing
How Bad Is It to Sleep in Your Contact Lenses?

How Bad Is It to Sleep in Your Contact Lenses?

A common question for contact lens wearers is whether it’s OK to sleep with their contacts in overnight. “One of the first questions I always ask my contact lens wearers is whether they
FDA Suggests Limits on Lead in Cosmetics

FDA Suggests Limits on Lead in Cosmetics

Agency notes most products already below recommended level from WebMD Health
How Bad Is It to Sleep with Wet Hair?

How Bad Is It to Sleep with Wet Hair?

At the end of a long day, it’s all too easy to take a hot shower, throw on some pajamas, brush your teeth, and then jump into bed. But have you ever stopped
Get to Know Oral Allergy Syndrome—Because You Might Have It

Get to Know Oral Allergy Syndrome—Because You Might Have It

If you’ve ever eaten something, say a peach or a carrot, and immediately felt your mouth start to tingle or your lips or tongue begin to swell, you may suffer from oral allergy
Coffee vs. Tea: Is One Better for Your Health?

Coffee vs. Tea: Is One Better for Your Health?

After years of studies that seemed to swing between dire warnings and cheery promises about what our favorite caffeinated beverages do and don’t do, much of the recent science regarding coffee and tea
Johnson & Johnson Receives $1 Billion Faulty Hip Implant Verdict

Johnson & Johnson Receives $1 Billion Faulty Hip Implant Verdict

According to the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), hundreds of thousands of individuals received hip implants between 2000 and 2010, with the numbers continuously increasing. But what is explained to patients to
Sarah Conyer Didn’t Even Know What an Alpaca Was. Now She and Her Husband Run an Adorable Alpaca Ranch.

Sarah Conyer Didn’t Even Know What an Alpaca Was. Now She and Her Husband Run an Adorable Alpaca Ranch.

Sarah Conyer and I worked together at a software development company, and one day at lunch I mentioned my recent visit to an alpaca ranch. “What’s an alpaca?” Sarah asked. With their mop-top

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