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الخميس، 31 ديسمبر 2015

Could Football Practices Without Helmets Help Prevent Concussions?

Could Football Practices Without Helmets Help Prevent Concussions?

Without protection, players learn to guard their heads, research suggests from WebMD Health
Asthma May Be Linked to Shingles Risk

Asthma May Be Linked to Shingles Risk

Chances of getting painful skin condition 70 percent higher among people with respiratory condition, study finds from WebMD Health
Drinking Water Pipes Full of 'Good' Bacteria

Drinking Water Pipes Full of 'Good' Bacteria

Swedish researchers say this natural biofilm helps keep drinking water clean from WebMD Health
Relive your year of cycling with a personalised Strava animation

Relive your year of cycling with a personalised Strava animation

Could High-Dose Vitamin D Help Fight Multiple Sclerosis?

Could High-Dose Vitamin D Help Fight Multiple Sclerosis?

Supplementation appears safe but experts say it's too soon for general recommendation from WebMD Health
Study Links Home Births to Slightly Higher Infant Death Risk

Study Links Home Births to Slightly Higher Infant Death Risk

But overall odds are still low, experts say from WebMD Health
Pictures of the Year 2015: Graham Watson

Pictures of the Year 2015: Graham Watson

Eight bike trends to look out for 2016

Eight bike trends to look out for 2016

Who are the Cycling Weekly experts backing to win the big races in 2016?

Who are the Cycling Weekly experts backing to win the big races in 2016?

Top 15 cycling videos of 2015

Top 15 cycling videos of 2015

الأربعاء، 30 ديسمبر 2015

Chris Froome awarded OBE in New Year’s Honours list

Chris Froome awarded OBE in New Year’s Honours list

Stop migraines before they happen.

Stop migraines before they happen.

Do you have migraine pain? WebMD shows you simple lifestyle changes that will stop them coming. from WebMD Health
12 Foods That Are Very High in Omega-3

12 Foods That Are Very High in Omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids have all sorts of benefits for your body and brain. Many mainstream health organizations recommend a minimum of 250-500 mg of omega-3 per day for healthy adults (1, 2, 3). You
Avoid Exercise-Related Migraines

Avoid Exercise-Related Migraines

Do you get a migraine every time your work out? WebMD shows you three ways to curb your post-exercise headaches. from WebMD Health
Flood-hit bike shop has £20,000 stock looted

Flood-hit bike shop has £20,000 stock looted

ADHD Meds May Raise Risk for Psychotic Side Effects in Some Kids: Study

ADHD Meds May Raise Risk for Psychotic Side Effects in Some Kids: Study

Two-thirds of children with parental history of mental illness report 'funny feelings' when on the stimulants from WebMD Health
Chronic Drinking Plus Binge Drinking Spurs Rapid Liver Damage in Mouse Study

Chronic Drinking Plus Binge Drinking Spurs Rapid Liver Damage in Mouse Study

Researchers say impact is more destructive than previously thought from WebMD Health
Thyroid Cancer Survivors: Good Prognosis, Gloomy Outlook?

Thyroid Cancer Survivors: Good Prognosis, Gloomy Outlook?

Study finds quality of life may suffer, despite favorable odds from WebMD Health
New UCI World Ranking introduced for pro road racing

New UCI World Ranking introduced for pro road racing

Tom Simpson’s World Championships win: 50 years on

Tom Simpson’s World Championships win: 50 years on

Opioids: What Patients -- and Doctors -- Think

Opioids: What Patients -- and Doctors -- Think

Opioids: What Patients -- and Doctors -- Think from WebMD Health
Pictures of the Year 2015: Andy Jones

Pictures of the Year 2015: Andy Jones

11 WorldTour riders to watch in 2016 (video)

11 WorldTour riders to watch in 2016 (video)

الثلاثاء، 29 ديسمبر 2015

Top 10 Health Tips for Women

Top 10 Health Tips for Women

Want a cheat sheet for healthy living? Our expert serves up her top tips for a lifetime of wellness. from WebMD Health
Painkillers Often Gateway to Heroin for U.S. Teens

Painkillers Often Gateway to Heroin for U.S. Teens

Heroin is cheaper, easier to obtain than narcotics like OxyContin, experts say from WebMD Health
Researchers: Retract This Nitroglycerin Study

Researchers: Retract This Nitroglycerin Study

Investigation found that lead author fabricated data used to support the finding from WebMD Health
Child Cold or Allergies? Recognizing the Symptoms of Each

Child Cold or Allergies? Recognizing the Symptoms of Each

WebMD helps you determine whether your child has a common cold or a case of allergies. Learn the symptoms and how to distinguish the two. from WebMD Health
Diabetic Kidney Damage: Earlier Than Thought?

Diabetic Kidney Damage: Earlier Than Thought?

Higher-than-normal blood sugar levels can lead to kidney failure over time, research says from WebMD Health
Find the foods that cause your migraines

Find the foods that cause your migraines

Do you get migraines? WebMD shows you how you might be able to stop them by identifying the foods that trigger them. from WebMD Health
Blood Thinner Safe Before Major Cancer Surgery

Blood Thinner Safe Before Major Cancer Surgery

Results led Sloan Kettering to change pre-op practices from WebMD Health
Can Yoga Can Help Your AFib?

Can Yoga Can Help Your AFib?

WebMD explains how yoga can help prevent the speeding up or slowing down of the heartbeat that's common if you have atrial fibrillation (AFib). from WebMD Health
Clearing Away MS Brain Fog: Understanding It, Learning to Focus

Clearing Away MS Brain Fog: Understanding It, Learning to Focus

If your MS gives you fuzzy thinking, there are things you can do to sharpen your focus. from WebMD Health
Weight-Loss Surgery's Impact on Vitamin D Levels

Weight-Loss Surgery's Impact on Vitamin D Levels

'Sunshine vitamin' deficiency tied to poorer outcomes for patients in northern regions in winter from WebMD Health
Guinea Last W. African Nation Declared Ebola-Free

Guinea Last W. African Nation Declared Ebola-Free

Guinea Last W. African Nation Declared Ebola-Free from WebMD Health
Tom Boonen left with permanent hearing damage after Abu Dhabi crash

Tom Boonen left with permanent hearing damage after Abu Dhabi crash

Prescriptions Continue After Painkiller ODs

Prescriptions Continue After Painkiller ODs

Often, prescribing doctors don't even know their patients have overdosed, researchers say from WebMD Health
Eight new bikes we want to see in 2016

Eight new bikes we want to see in 2016

الاثنين، 28 ديسمبر 2015

Breast Ultrasound vs. Mammography

Breast Ultrasound vs. Mammography

But ultrasound has more false positives, researchers find from WebMD Health
Does Food Affect Multiple Sclerosis?

Does Food Affect Multiple Sclerosis?

Does your diet affect your MS? While no food cures it or causes it, WebMD explains what the research shows about nutrition and multiple sclerosis. from WebMD Health
Healthy Desserts for Your Diabetes Diet

Healthy Desserts for Your Diabetes Diet

Having diabetes doesn't have to mean giving up desserts. WebMD gives you healthy desserts to satisfy your sweet tooth. from WebMD Health
Is Multiple Sclerosis Different in Women?

Is Multiple Sclerosis Different in Women?

Multiple sclerosis is more common in women than men. WebMD reveals areas of special importance to women in their child-bearing years. from WebMD Health
Sir Bradley Wiggins to guest edit Radio 4’s Today programme on Tuesday

Sir Bradley Wiggins to guest edit Radio 4’s Today programme on Tuesday

3 Diabetes Tests You Must Have

3 Diabetes Tests You Must Have

Diagnosed with diabetes? WebMD shows how simple tests can help you manage your condition. from WebMD Health
Reducing Salt Might Harm Heart Failure Patients

Reducing Salt Might Harm Heart Failure Patients

But finding is preliminary and much more research needed to test hypothesis, experts say from WebMD Health
Heart Attack Treatment Often Delayed After Bypass

Heart Attack Treatment Often Delayed After Bypass

Finding blockages can be trickier when blood vessels have been rerouted, expert says from WebMD Health
Very Premature Babies at Greater Risk for Autism

Very Premature Babies at Greater Risk for Autism

Researchers identified differences in the brains of these newborns from WebMD Health
Hospitals' Brain Death Policies Vary Dramatically

Hospitals' Brain Death Policies Vary Dramatically

Researchers fear organ donations might drop if potential donors don't think proper steps are taken every time from WebMD Health
Stock Your Kitchen for Diabetes Health

Stock Your Kitchen for Diabetes Health

Have diabetes? WebMD unlocks key foods you need in your home for healthy cooking and snacks. from WebMD Health
How Smart Testing Can Help You Control Your Diabetes

How Smart Testing Can Help You Control Your Diabetes

Figuring out the best ways and best times to test your blood sugar can be tricky. WebMD helps you figure out what’s best for you. from WebMD Health
Oral Allergy Syndrome Foods, Symptoms, Treatments, and More

Oral Allergy Syndrome Foods, Symptoms, Treatments, and More

WebMD explains oral allergy syndrome, foods that may trigger this condition, and what tests can identify it. from WebMD Health
Child Asthma Rates Leveling Off, Except Among Poor

Child Asthma Rates Leveling Off, Except Among Poor

Environmental triggers may increase the risk for children in low-income areas, experts say from WebMD Health
The Younger the Mother, the Worse Midlife Health

The Younger the Mother, the Worse Midlife Health

Those who waited until at least 25 fared better at 40, researchers say from WebMD Health
Patients Can Self-Administer IV Antibiotics: Study

Patients Can Self-Administer IV Antibiotics: Study

Practice could save money while helping uninsured patients avoid long hospital stays, researchers say from WebMD Health
Katusha doctors knew about Luca Paolini’s sleeping drug addiction

Katusha doctors knew about Luca Paolini’s sleeping drug addiction

How to dress for winter racing

How to dress for winter racing

The ultimate cycling quiz 2015

The ultimate cycling quiz 2015

الأحد، 27 ديسمبر 2015

الخميس، 24 ديسمبر 2015

Diabetes and Wounds: Caring for Foot Sores and Skin Sores

Diabetes and Wounds: Caring for Foot Sores and Skin Sores

Diabetes and wounds are always a bad combination. Avoid amputation by preventing and treating skin sores. WebMD gives you tips that can help. from WebMD Health
Keep Your Diabetes Under Control

Keep Your Diabetes Under Control

There are easy ways to keep your diabetes under control. WebMD gives you five. from WebMD Health
5 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Teeth

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Teeth

You use your teeth to talk, chew, and smile. WebMD gives you some other "teeth facts" you probably didn’t know about your pearly whites. from WebMD Health
Pot Chemical May Help Prevent Epileptic Seizures

Pot Chemical May Help Prevent Epileptic Seizures

Trial showed a benefit, but more study is needed, experts said from WebMD Health
Hep C Treatments: New Drugs Offer New Hope

Hep C Treatments: New Drugs Offer New Hope

New treatments are bringing new hope for people with hepatitis C. WebMD has the details from WebMD Health
Computer Time May Be Causing Kids' Nearsightedness

Computer Time May Be Causing Kids' Nearsightedness

Eye experts suggest boosting outdoor time to get young eyes focusing on distant objects from WebMD Health
New Drug Promising for Severe Form of Arthritis

New Drug Promising for Severe Form of Arthritis

Already approved to treat psoriasis, higher dose of Cosentyx helped 60 percent of patients from WebMD Health
All High-Risk Patients Should Get BP Meds: Study

All High-Risk Patients Should Get BP Meds: Study

Getting levels below current targets may significantly cut risk of heart attack, stroke, researchers contend from WebMD Health
Noisy Electronic Toys and Babies' Verbal Skills

Noisy Electronic Toys and Babies' Verbal Skills

Study found that toddlers talk less when their toys talk, sing, light up more from WebMD Health
Hep C May Be Tied to Greater Parkinson's Risk

Hep C May Be Tied to Greater Parkinson's Risk

People with the virus also nearly 30 percent more likely to develop the nervous system disorder, researchers say from WebMD Health
How to build your new bike

How to build your new bike

Could cutting carbs help you ride faster?

Could cutting carbs help you ride faster?

2016 WorldTour team bikes guide

2016 WorldTour team bikes guide

الأربعاء، 23 ديسمبر 2015

UCI reveals first glimpse of new Dimension Data kit

UCI reveals first glimpse of new Dimension Data kit

Why are you having paranoid thoughts?

Why are you having paranoid thoughts?

Are your “paranoid” thoughts really paranoid? WebMD tells you how to know for sure, and what to do about it. from WebMD Health

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