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الجمعة، 13 يناير 2017

11 Things Your Dentist Needs You to Start Doing Differently

Your teeth won’t get healthier on their own

on ownIf the splash of ice-cold water against your pearly whites makes you wince, or you can comfortably chew on only one side of your mouth, you shouldn’t ignore it. You might delay going to a dentist because you’re uneasy about what they’ll say or how much it will cost, but letting it go will only make it worse. “Many dental health problems are unlikely to get better on their own,” says board certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon J. Michael Ray, DDS. “You can avoid most unpleasant experiences in the dental office by seeking care as soon as possible,” alleviating unnecessary pain (and often great expense) by taking care of any problems before they get out of hand. Here are 10 secrets for keeping your teeth white and healthy.

from Reader's Digest

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