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الاثنين، 31 أكتوبر 2016

When Soda Makers Fund Studies, Obesity Ties Weaken

When Soda Makers Fund Studies, Obesity Ties Weaken

Biased research muddies the health harms of sugary drinks, researchers contend from WebMD Health
Can Facebook Friend Requests Predict Longevity?

Can Facebook Friend Requests Predict Longevity?

Those most sought after as a connection on the social media site tended to live longer, study suggests from WebMD Health
Smartphones, Tablets Keep Kids Buzzing at Bedtime

Smartphones, Tablets Keep Kids Buzzing at Bedtime

Children with access to these devices don't get enough sleep, study finds from WebMD Health
Does Good Cholesterol Affect Heart Disease Risk?

Does Good Cholesterol Affect Heart Disease Risk?

Lifestyle appears more important than the HDL number, study suggests from WebMD Health
Tom Pidcock still deciding his future after becoming U19 European cyclocross champion

Tom Pidcock still deciding his future after becoming U19 European cyclocross champion

A Veteran’s Son Goes to Vietnam with Questions About His Past. The Answer He Receives Is Completely Unexpected.

A Veteran’s Son Goes to Vietnam with Questions About His Past. The Answer He Receives Is Completely Unexpected.

Out the window to my left, palm trees bent in the breeze from the South China Sea; to my right, green fields stretched in the distance. As our tour van headed south on
One of the World’s Most Iconic Ships Sailed Straight Into Hurricane Sandy. Sandy Won.

One of the World’s Most Iconic Ships Sailed Straight Into Hurricane Sandy. Sandy Won.

Lieutenant Wes McIntosh of the U.S. Coast Guard was watching Sunday Night Football with his seven-person flight crew on October 29, 2012. Around 9:30 p.m., his phone rang. It was the Coast Guard
One Awful Hair Salon Experience Made This Man Embrace His Graying Hair

One Awful Hair Salon Experience Made This Man Embrace His Graying Hair

It was supposed to be our secret. My hairdresser claimed to possess a special elixir that could subtly, naturally, almost undetectably “blend away” gray hair, which, at 45, I had a touch of.
10 Grocery Sales You Didn’t Know to Look for Between Thanksgiving and Christmas

10 Grocery Sales You Didn’t Know to Look for Between Thanksgiving and Christmas

You'll want to take advantage of these seasonal markdowns. from Reader's Digest
16 Funny Thanksgiving Quotes to Share Around the Table

16 Funny Thanksgiving Quotes to Share Around the Table

  from Reader's Digest
6 Black Friday Deals That Usually Aren’t As Good As They Seem

6 Black Friday Deals That Usually Aren’t As Good As They Seem

Retailers have savvy tricks for making you think you’re saving money, but you’re better off passing up these Black Friday sales. from Reader's Digest
Can You Guess the Astounding Thing These Vietnamese Workers Are Doing in This Photo?

Can You Guess the Astounding Thing These Vietnamese Workers Are Doing in This Photo?

Factory workers wearing traditional leaf hats mend fishing nets in the coastal city of Bac Liêu, Vietnam. The workers knit speedily, says photographer Ly Hoang Long, and employ tiny needles to weave nets
15 Classic Thanksgiving Foods, Ranked From Best to Worst for Your Weight

15 Classic Thanksgiving Foods, Ranked From Best to Worst for Your Weight

Certain Thanksgiving staples are far more sinful than others. Here, the healthiest Thanksgiving foods to indulge, and other dishes to eat in moderation. from Reader's Digest
Opioid Overdoses Up Nearly 200% Among Kids, Teens

Opioid Overdoses Up Nearly 200% Among Kids, Teens

Younger children 'eating them like candy,' while teens overdose while trying to get high, researcher says from WebMD Health
Pueblo, Colorado, May Push Back on Legal Pot

Pueblo, Colorado, May Push Back on Legal Pot

The marijuana industry says legalized recreational pot has been good for Colorado's economy, but in the town of Pueblo, some worry about how it affects teens and overall public health. from WebMD Health
7 Tips for Emotionally Coping with the Loss of Your Dog

7 Tips for Emotionally Coping with the Loss of Your Dog

When Tom Buttaccio met Seven, she was a one-year-old, hazel-eyed beagle with severe separation anxiety. Her owners surrendered her to a shelter because... from Reader's Digest
1st Zika Microcephaly Baby Born in Puerto Rico

1st Zika Microcephaly Baby Born in Puerto Rico

1st Zika Microcephaly Baby Born in Puerto Rico from WebMD Health
7 Post-Workout Moves to Get Fit Faster

7 Post-Workout Moves to Get Fit Faster

Want to optimize your recovery and propel your future workouts to the next level? Make these post-workout practices a regular part of your regimen. from WebMD Health
10 Caring Ways to Support a Coworker Who Has Breast Cancer

10 Caring Ways to Support a Coworker Who Has Breast Cancer

Never assume a coworker battling cancer wants to minimize her workflow. from Reader's Digest
Cyclist killed after colliding with lorry in London

Cyclist killed after colliding with lorry in London

3 Recipes for Apple-Picking Season

3 Recipes for Apple-Picking Season

Go from sweet to sensational with these apple recipes. from WebMD Health
Pet Cancer: Can You Spot the Signs?

Pet Cancer: Can You Spot the Signs?

Do you know the signs of cancer in your pets? from WebMD Health
British Hill-Climb National Championships in pictures

British Hill-Climb National Championships in pictures

The Most Iconic Movie Set in Every State

The Most Iconic Movie Set in Every State

Which film made the list from yours? from Reader's Digest
Why Handwriting Matters for Kids

Why Handwriting Matters for Kids

Pencils, paper, and penmanship may be good for growing brains. from WebMD Health
Obamacare 2017: A Peek Behind the Numbers

Obamacare 2017: A Peek Behind the Numbers

Predictions on price hikes and enrollment figures from WebMD Health
Obamacare 2017: Higher Prices, Fewer Choices

Obamacare 2017: Higher Prices, Fewer Choices

Federal tax subsidies can ease the impact of premium increases, but consumers must shop wisely, analysts say from WebMD Health
Clean Home May Help Keep Kids' Asthma in Check

Clean Home May Help Keep Kids' Asthma in Check

Controlling allergens, household pollutants can reduce need for medication, pediatricians' group says from WebMD Health
Nearly Two-Thirds of Smokers Also Use E-Cigs: CDC

Nearly Two-Thirds of Smokers Also Use E-Cigs: CDC

Survey also found 40 percent of young people using the devices were never smokers from WebMD Health
Breast Reconstruction Worthwhile for Older Women

Breast Reconstruction Worthwhile for Older Women

They had no greater risk of complications, benefited as much as younger breast cancer patients from WebMD Health
The Best Shampoo for Every Hair Type

The Best Shampoo for Every Hair Type

If your hair is oily, a volumizing shampoo can make a huge difference, according to Edward Tricomi, Master Stylist and Co-Founder of Warren-Tricomi... from Reader's Digest
‘Team Sky has a €35m budget, it’s complicated to compete with that’

‘Team Sky has a €35m budget, it’s complicated to compete with that’

Are You a Pushover? 9 Ways to Stand Up For Yourself

Are You a Pushover? 9 Ways to Stand Up For Yourself

Being a pushover can have a negative effect on your own life. Here’s how to stand up for yourself. from Reader's Digest
15 Impressive Words You Can Learn from Disney Songs

15 Impressive Words You Can Learn from Disney Songs

If you say them loud enough, you'll always sound precocious! from Reader's Digest
Six moans and truths about winter cycling

Six moans and truths about winter cycling

Here Are 12 Things Dermatologists Do in the Winter that You Don’t

Here Are 12 Things Dermatologists Do in the Winter that You Don’t

Frigid temps and whipping winds may sound like a prescription for itchy, dry, cracked skin. But winter doesn’t have to be the season of your skin’s discontent. Just take this easy-to-follow advice from top
Shane Sutton on British Cycling: ‘It’s just a shame it has ended like this’

Shane Sutton on British Cycling: ‘It’s just a shame it has ended like this’

12 amazing value bike lights that you’ll need for the dark nights

12 amazing value bike lights that you’ll need for the dark nights

23 Eye-Opening Things Experts Wish You Knew About Domestic Violence

23 Eye-Opening Things Experts Wish You Knew About Domestic Violence

One in four women experience some form of physical, emotional, sexual, or financial domestic violence each year in the United States. Three professionals debunk myths about domestic abuse and explain the best course of
Proviz launches super-reflective helmet

Proviz launches super-reflective helmet

12 Foods You Can Eat a Lot of Without Getting Fat

12 Foods You Can Eat a Lot of Without Getting Fat

One piece of advice often given to dieters is to eat until you reach satiety — that is, until you feel full. The problem is that different foods can have vastly different effects on
The best cycling accessories that haven’t been invented yet

The best cycling accessories that haven’t been invented yet

10 Words That Mean Very Different Things in England and America

10 Words That Mean Very Different Things in England and America

In the U.S. a bird is, well, an animal with feathers that tweets. In England, however, a bird is often used to describe a young female, similar to the... from Reader's Digest
Tech of the week: new pro team kit deals, new apps and bike price hike news

Tech of the week: new pro team kit deals, new apps and bike price hike news

How to Freshen Up Post-Workout When You Can’t Shower

How to Freshen Up Post-Workout When You Can’t Shower

Pre-workout, pull your hair up into a high bun, pony, or braid—using a stretchy elastic. This will keep hair off your neck, helping you stay cool and... from Reader's Digest
7 Skincare Rules Everyone With Freckles Should Know

7 Skincare Rules Everyone With Freckles Should Know

Freckles are actually a sign of skin damage, according to board certified dermatologist, Dr. Jessie Cheung and certain people are more susceptible to... from Reader's Digest

الأحد، 30 أكتوبر 2016

London Six Day: Defending champions snatch last gasp victory from Cavendish and Wiggins

London Six Day: Defending champions snatch last gasp victory from Cavendish and Wiggins

Adam Kenway “gobsmacked” at National Hill-Climb win, nine days after being hospitalised

Adam Kenway “gobsmacked” at National Hill-Climb win, nine days after being hospitalised

Adam Kenway and Lou Bates win 2016 National Hill-Climb Championships

Adam Kenway and Lou Bates win 2016 National Hill-Climb Championships

9 Benefits of Maca Root (and potential side effects)

9 Benefits of Maca Root (and potential side effects)

The maca plant has exploded in popularity in recent years. It’s actually a plant native to Peru, and is commonly available in powder form or as a supplement. Maca root has traditionally been used
London Six Day: Wiggins and Cavendish take the lead ahead of final day

London Six Day: Wiggins and Cavendish take the lead ahead of final day

السبت، 29 أكتوبر 2016

London Six Day: Belgian pair lead Wiggins and Cavendish with two days to go

London Six Day: Belgian pair lead Wiggins and Cavendish with two days to go

Peter Sagan: 2016 success just down to ‘good luck’

Peter Sagan: 2016 success just down to ‘good luck’

What Are the Best Substitutes for Butter?

What Are the Best Substitutes for Butter?

Butter is a common spread and baking ingredient. Yet despite its popularity, some people avoid butter for various reasons. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to enjoy foods without it. This article explores the
Jess Varnish ‘relieved’ that British Cycling uphold her claims against Shane Sutton

Jess Varnish ‘relieved’ that British Cycling uphold her claims against Shane Sutton

الجمعة، 28 أكتوبر 2016

17 Extraordinary Stories of Generosity from Ordinary People

17 Extraordinary Stories of Generosity from Ordinary People

No Junk Reading Last year, Mathew Flores, a 12-year-old from Sandy, Utah, approached postal worker Ron Lynch and asked if he had any extra advertisements or random newsletters. The boy explained that he loved
After Her Father Committed Suicide, These Strangers Stopped Everything to Comfort Her.

After Her Father Committed Suicide, These Strangers Stopped Everything to Comfort Her.

Dear Strangers, I remember you. Eighteen months ago, when my cell phone rang, you were walking into Whole Foods prepared to do your grocery shopping, just as I had been only minutes before
Nearly 3% of U.S. Adults Have Weakened Immunity

Nearly 3% of U.S. Adults Have Weakened Immunity

Advances in treating HIV and autoimmune diseases are keeping more patients alive from WebMD Health
Make Shots Less Painful for Your Baby

Make Shots Less Painful for Your Baby

Tips to soothe your little one and ease your stress during vaccinations. from WebMD Health
Acne Gives Up Secret That Points to New Treatments

Acne Gives Up Secret That Points to New Treatments

Bacteria on skin sometimes release fatty acids that trigger inflammation, researchers report from WebMD Health
More Than Willpower: How I Live Well With ADHD

More Than Willpower: How I Live Well With ADHD

A WebMD reader shares how medication and a strong support system lead to her success. from WebMD Health
Keep Your Lows From Keeping You Down

Keep Your Lows From Keeping You Down

Because bipolar depression can resemble other conditions, see your doctor or mental health professional to get a correct diagnosis. from WebMD Health
Heart-Wrenching: This Mother Adopts Terminally Ill Babies So They Don’t Have to Die Alone

Heart-Wrenching: This Mother Adopts Terminally Ill Babies So They Don’t Have to Die Alone

Cori Salchert of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, sits on a hospital bed parked in the middle of her living room stroking the peach fuzz on top of her newly adopted son’s head. One-year-old Charlie is
Skin Patch May Help With Peanut Allergy

Skin Patch May Help With Peanut Allergy

Delivering small amounts of peanut protein boosted tolerance for about half of young patients in study from WebMD Health
Experimental Drug Might Help Drug-Resistant HIV

Experimental Drug Might Help Drug-Resistant HIV

'This is potentially a lifesaving therapy,' researcher says from WebMD Health
Woman Gets $70M in Baby Powder/Ovarian Cancer Suit

Woman Gets $70M in Baby Powder/Ovarian Cancer Suit

Woman Gets $70M in Baby Powder/Ovarian Cancer Suit from WebMD Health
Measles Complication: More Common Than Thought?

Measles Complication: More Common Than Thought?

One more reason to get your child vaccinated against the disease, infection experts say from WebMD Health
Watch: Range Rover passes close to 8 year old cyclist on narrow street

Watch: Range Rover passes close to 8 year old cyclist on narrow street

How You Can Meditate

How You Can Meditate

Author Dan Harris and meditation expert Joseph Goldberg discuss how even the busiest, most distracted person can find a calmer state of mind. from WebMD Health
British Cycling investigation: ‘Shane Sutton did use inappropriate and discriminatory language’

British Cycling investigation: ‘Shane Sutton did use inappropriate and discriminatory language’

How to Get Cast as a Movie Extra

How to Get Cast as a Movie Extra

Get ready for your (small) big-screen debut. from Reader's Digest
Study advises cyclists in city centres to ride at 9.3mph

Study advises cyclists in city centres to ride at 9.3mph

Tweets of the week: Chris Boardman, Didi the Devil and more

Tweets of the week: Chris Boardman, Didi the Devil and more

Merlin Cycles’ new top of the range Nitro SL has World Tour credentials

Merlin Cycles’ new top of the range Nitro SL has World Tour credentials

Merlin Cycles’ new top of the range Nitro SL has World Tour credentials

Merlin Cycles’ new top of the range Nitro SL has World Tour credentials

Save Time and Money with These 10 Double-Duty Beauty Products

Save Time and Money with These 10 Double-Duty Beauty Products

Cream-based cheek color looks way more natural than power formulas and, as a bonus, a cream can also work as lip color. Apply on the apples of cheeks... from Reader's Digest
Eating for Longevity

Eating for Longevity

What makes some people live longer than others? Studies suggest that diet is one of the important contributors to longevity and a healthy life. from WebMD Health
More Americans Getting Health Care Under Obamacare

More Americans Getting Health Care Under Obamacare

News comes as double-digit price hikes for health plans on the horizon from WebMD Health
Stressful Job, Little Control: Shorter Life Spans?

Stressful Job, Little Control: Shorter Life Spans?

Workers with more say in their jobs had better chance of living longer, study finds from WebMD Health
More Adults Think E-Cigs as Harmful as Cigarettes

More Adults Think E-Cigs as Harmful as Cigarettes

But researchers note they can help smokers quit even if they're not risk-free from WebMD Health
Dental Cleanings May Help Keep Lungs Clean Too

Dental Cleanings May Help Keep Lungs Clean Too

Twice annual visits reduce bacteria that can cause pneumonia, researcher says from WebMD Health
Drug Prices, Not Health Law, Top Voter Priorities

Drug Prices, Not Health Law, Top Voter Priorities

Majorities of Democrats, Republicans and independents support making sure high-cost drugs for chronic conditions are affordable. from WebMD Health
10 Ways to Recover After Making a Bad First Impression

10 Ways to Recover After Making a Bad First Impression

The best approach to take when you've made a bad first impression is to offer a simple apology. Bad first impressions happen for a variety of reasons;... from Reader's Digest
Highlights of the Technology Showcase at Westfield

Highlights of the Technology Showcase at Westfield

NEW for 2017 UK Cycling Events launch Brewin Dolphin Velo Series

NEW for 2017 UK Cycling Events launch Brewin Dolphin Velo Series

Halloween cycling quiz: Identify these 11 pumpkin-headed cyclists

Halloween cycling quiz: Identify these 11 pumpkin-headed cyclists

Beauty Secrets for Women With Large Pores

Beauty Secrets for Women With Large Pores

Often used in cosmetics to make formulas softer and easier to spread, silicone is a no-no for women with large pores, says Debra Jaliman, MD, a New York... from Reader's Digest
Join the Teal Pumpkin Project on Halloween

Join the Teal Pumpkin Project on Halloween

Painted pumpkins let trick-or-treaters with food allergies know safe treats are available from WebMD Health
11 Fun Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids to Keep Them Busy

11 Fun Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids to Keep Them Busy

Keep your little turkeys entertained with these fun crafts. from Reader's Digest
London Six Day: Bradley Wiggins just misses Derny race win (video)

London Six Day: Bradley Wiggins just misses Derny race win (video)

Mapperley CC ‘shocked’ and ‘surprised’ amateur cyclist who never raced banned for doping

Mapperley CC ‘shocked’ and ‘surprised’ amateur cyclist who never raced banned for doping

9 Clear Signs a Cold Is Coming (and How to Stop It)

9 Clear Signs a Cold Is Coming (and How to Stop It)

If you pay attention to the subtle signals your body gives you, you can actually take action to help stave off a cold before it takes hold. We are... from Reader's Digest
Chris Froome casts doubt over Giro d’Italia 2017 ride

Chris Froome casts doubt over Giro d’Italia 2017 ride

Findings from British Cycling’s investigation into Shane Sutton imminent

Findings from British Cycling’s investigation into Shane Sutton imminent

Box Hill Original 2016 video/gallery

Box Hill Original 2016 video/gallery

WADA report reveals limited testing in cycling at the Rio Olympics

WADA report reveals limited testing in cycling at the Rio Olympics

9 Signs of Borderline Personality Disorder You Shouldn’t Ignore

9 Signs of Borderline Personality Disorder You Shouldn’t Ignore

Unstable relationships could come from a legitimate personality disorder. from Reader's Digest
British Cycling could be forced by parliamentary committee to reveal contents of medical package at 2011 Dauphiné

British Cycling could be forced by parliamentary committee to reveal contents of medical package at 2011 Dauphiné

Is It Bad to Eat Before Bed?

Is It Bad to Eat Before Bed?

Many people think it’s a bad idea to eat before bed. This often comes from the belief that eating before you go to sleep leads to weight gain. However, some claim that a bedtime
Six different bookmakers are now taking bets on National Hill-Climb Championships

Six different bookmakers are now taking bets on National Hill-Climb Championships

9 Ways to Make a DIY Ice Pack

9 Ways to Make a DIY Ice Pack

Here's one of the easiest ways to make your own ice pack: Soak a clean sponge in cold water. Let the excess water drip off, then place the sponge in a... from Reader's Digest
Top tips to recharge your body and mind this winter

Top tips to recharge your body and mind this winter

How to get started in road cycling

How to get started in road cycling

7 Low-Carb Vegetables for a Diabetes Diet

7 Low-Carb Vegetables for a Diabetes Diet

All vegetables are nutritional superstars—with essential vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals—but these seasonal picks can also help keep your blood sugar in line. from Reader's Digest
Six best Halloween costumes for cyclists

Six best Halloween costumes for cyclists

8 Household Products that Are Natural Makeup Removers

8 Household Products that Are Natural Makeup Removers

Marina Peredo, MD, owner of the practice Skinfluence in New York City says for an all-over makeup removal, honey mixed with baking soda makes a great... from Reader's Digest

الخميس، 27 أكتوبر 2016

Doctors Try Brain-Training for 'Phantom Limb Pain'

Doctors Try Brain-Training for 'Phantom Limb Pain'

Robotic technology offers insight into the post-amputation phenomenon from WebMD Health
Study Questions Migraine Meds in Kids, Teens

Study Questions Migraine Meds in Kids, Teens

Researchers found sugar pill worked as well as commonly prescribed drugs from WebMD Health
Dirty Touch Screen? Here’s Exactly How You Should Be Cleaning It

Dirty Touch Screen? Here’s Exactly How You Should Be Cleaning It

Take a look at your mobile device. Do you see oily fingerprints and lint? Dust and crumbs? Is that a hair stuck at the screen’s edge? We take our electronics into public restrooms,
Male Birth Control Shot Promising, But Work Needed

Male Birth Control Shot Promising, But Work Needed

Injections as effective as other contraceptives, but side effects prompted early halt of trial from WebMD Health
Cranberry Products May Not Prevent UTIs: Study

Cranberry Products May Not Prevent UTIs: Study

In female nursing home residents, cranberry capsules didn't affect infection rate from WebMD Health

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